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FP was in Charles' room playing with him. Charles built a wall about his height with the blocks. Charles placed the last block on the very top and clapped.

"Where did Charles go?" FP gasps and puts his hands on his cheeks. Charles giggled and poked his head out from behind the blocks. "Right here daddy," Charles rose his arms up in the air. He was waiting to get picked up.

"Oh there you are," FP grabs him and lifts him up in the air while standing up from the floor. Charles splays his arms and legs out feeling like an airplane. "Are we ready captain? Permission to take off?"


FP ran out of his room zooming Charles all around the house. Charles laughed the whole time. They went down the hall, through the kitchen, and landed in the living room. "Again! Again!" Charles clapped. He rose his arms up. The front door opened. Alice hung her coat on the rack when she came in. "Honey I'm home!"

Charles watched FP walk over to her and wrap his arms around her waist before kissing here. "Hello baby," He smiled. "How was work?"

"Exhausting," Alice exhaled. "My feet are killing me." Alice kicked one of her heels off before her husband picked her up.

"Well then I can't let you walk to bed for a nap. I think I'm going to have to carry you myself."

"This is why I love you," Alice kissed his cheek. Charles went over to them and stood in their way. "Airplane again."

"Maybe later kiddo. I've got to take mommy upstairs to rest." FP walked around him and to the master bedroom. Charles stood there with quivering lips. He followed them to their room and saw them laughing. FP was holding one of his old shirts over Alice's head while she tried to reach for it. "Come on baby. If you want to wear you have to come and get it," FP laughed and ran around the room with Alice chasing after him. He was tossed onto the bed with Alice falling on top of him. She pulled the shirt away from him. "Got it."

FP rolled her over and got on top. "You win this time but I will next time." He then sat by her side. Alice put her feet on his lap and he began to rub them. It was very soothing after hours in heels. "I definitely won," Alice said. "Keep doing that. It's really helping."

Charles walked away from the door and went to his room. He sat on his bed and let his legs dangle on the side. He swung them back and forth while staring at the floor. He glared at the floor jealous of his mother getting all of FP's attention.

"Charles is being awfully quiet," Alice said taking note of the silence.

"What's so bad about that?" FP stroked her hair as they laid in bed together.

"He's our son." Charles was often very talkative and running around the house. "That's very strange of him."

"Do you want me to go check on him? He's probably in his room playing with his blocks."

"I can do it," Alice got off the bed and went over to her son's room. He was facing the other way when she walked in.

"Hey baby. Why aren't you playing?"

"I'm mad," Charles huffed and crossed his arms.

"Why?" Charles stayed silent and stared at the wall. Alice sighed and walked over to him. She sat behind him. "Can you tell mama why you're mad? Maybe I can help you turn that frown upside down."

"Daddy only wants to play with you and not me."

"Why would you think that? Daddy loves playing with you."

"He doesn't want to play airplane anymore. He wants to play tag with you."

"I didn't know you felt this way. I like to share daddy, don't you?"

Charles shook his head ferociously. Alice ran a hand through his hair and he turned to look at her. "Do you want to ask daddy to play with you right now?"

"Yeah!" He quickly changed his mood.

"Okay let's call him," Alice said. "FP!"


"Can you come to Charles' room!"

"I'm on my way," FP yelled from the other room. He appeared at the door soon after. "What can I do for ya?"

"Charles was not done playing with you Forsythe."

"Daddy needs to play with Charles," Charles nods in agreement. FP chuckled at how adorable he was.

"I wasn't huh?"

"Airplane!" Charles stood up on the bed and jumped on the mattress.

"You're going to fall Charles," Alice held him still.

"Well I think I'm going to need another set of hands," FP looked at him and then over at Alice. "Can you ask mommy to help me?"

"Mama play too!"

"All aboard Jones Airlines," FP picked Charles up with his right arm. Alice held onto his tiny feet while FP held the upper half of their son. FP spoke into his free hand pretending it was a walkie talkie. "Are we ready to depart?"

"One way to the living room. We're all clear," Alice responded. Charles giggled and spread his arms. "Here we go." FP and Alice ran with the boy. They carefully tossed him onto the couch and both fell back onto the cushions catching their breath. Charles jumped off the couch and was prepared for another round. FP and Alice looked at each other exhausted.

"There's still some fuel left in me. Is your engine running?" FP asked. Charles sat in between them and wrapped an arm around their necks. He pecked kisses on their cheeks. "I love you daddy," He said to him then turned to face Alice. "I love you mommy."

"We love you too baby," FP and Alice said in unison before tickling the boy together.

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