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FP laid in bed with Alice. They were giggling about how foolish they looked. "Are you done?" The pillow muffled his voice. She hit him with it just a couple seconds before. She lifted the pillow off his face and smiled. "Not yet."

"Well no one is stopping you," FP sat up and cupped her face. He began to lean closer to kiss her but his phone rang to interrupt them. He sighed. She laid her head against his shoulder and he reached for his phone on the nightstand. "Hello?" He answered a little irritated. "Right now?" Alice wondered who he was talking to. "Really?" He didn't look like he was enjoying the call. "Okay, I'm on my way." FP hung up and tossed the phone to the side.

"Who was it?" Alice asked.

"Gladys. Turns out Jughead found his way to Toledo and now he wants to come home."

"Gladys? Your wife, Gladys?"

"I just have to go pick up my boy. It'll be one lengthy round trip but I'll be back as soon as possible." He assured her. "I'm gonna need help taking the bikes though."

As if on cue Fred called FP. FP answered the call wondering what he wanted. "Freddie, what can I do for ya?"

"Hey FP, I got a call from Gladys earlier and was wondering if you could join me on a trip to Toledo? I want to go see Archie before I let him cross the border." FP could hear the melancholy in his voice. He just wanted his son home. He didn't catch up to him on time last time and it struck his heart harshly. "I was about to go pick up Jug." FP stated. "Do you think I can use the back of your truck to take the bikes?"

"Are you all set? I'll be right over in twenty."

"Alright," FP agreed. "See you then."

"Do you have to leave now?" Alice pouted.

"I have to go before it gets dark out."

"Fine but stay safe. If Fred gets a single scratch on you-"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry, Al." FP held her in his arms a little longer. "Are you going to be fine without me?" He teased.

"Yes," She rolled her eyes fondly. "I have a meeting to attend at the school anyway."

"Well have fun with that." FP chuckled. "I really have to start getting ready before Fred walks in on us like this."

"Just a few more minutes." Alice snuggled close.

"Oh alright," He gave in. She tucked her head into him and wrapped her arms around his torso so he wouldn't leave so easily.


Fred and FP parted ways when Fred left with Archie towards the Candian border. FP took a little longer to leave since he was waiting for Jughead. "You finally made it, huh? Jughead's getting his bag. He'll be out in a minute." Gladys came out with their daughter. A smile grew on his face when his daughter came out. "Hey Jellybelly," There was a lot of joy in his voice. He couldn't believe how fast she has grown. "She's gotten so big." He missed her very much. "Can I get a hug?" FP extended his arms in hopes she would run into them.

"Can I get a dad?" Jellybean blew him off and walked away. It hurt him but he did blame himself for her reaction.

"Hey, JB. Come on now." Gladys called out her behavior.

"Let her be. I deserved that."

"She misses you," Gladys assured him but FP scoffed. "She'd rather fight than admit it."

"Like mother like daughter."

"Dad," Jughead finally came out. "I see mom called you."

"I thought you'd be missing this." FP rose the jacket in his hands up towards his son. Jughead pulled him into a hug. "I heard Penny was here causing trouble."

"No problem at all," Gladys spoke up. "I don't think we have to worry much about Penny anymore." She walked towards Jughead and said her goodbyes. She hugged him real tight. "Come here, kid. I'm gonna miss you.

"Go, uh, go warm up the bikes. Will you, Jug?" FP told Jughead when they parted from their hug. It was going to be a long way home and the moon was close to coming out. FP watched him go and looked back at his wife. "Thank you, Gladys, for the call. I'll make sure he gets home safe." She wanted to tell him something but couldn't get the words together to say it. She walked up to him and hugged him goodbye. She kissed him on the cheek before parting ways. Deep down she still cared for him. She wanted them to both get back safely. "Get out of here." She watched them both go.

The sun was gone by the time they reached Riverdale. FP and Jughead stopped their motorcycles when they saw officers and a border blocking them out of town. They jumped off of their motorcycles and walked up to the men in uniform. "The hell is this?" FP questioned the armed men.

"The town's under quarantine. Government's orders. No one in or out. Turn around and go." One of the officers explained.

"No, no, we live here," Jughead pointed.

"Not anymore. Turn around now." A line of guns rose in their direction. The Jones men looked at each other. They did not approve of being forced to stay out of town. FP wanted to get back into town like he told Alice he would. "You have to let us in." FP challenged them.

"Dad," Jughead warned him. They were armed after all. He didn't want to risk anything. FP on the other hand refused to listen to them.

"We're going home," FP pointed towards their hometown. "You can't keep us out here. We have no where to go."

"We can go back to mom for now." Jughead suggested. It was their only option.

"Not helping," FP gritted through his teeth. "I'm not leaving Alice behind." He stepped over the boarder but the guards pressed their guns on his body.

"What?" Jughead questioned what he heard.

"All of this. I'm not leaving all of this behind."

"Get back now or we shoot." One of the guards warned him. FP sighed and obeyed. He had no other choice. He wasn't happy about it but he had to do it. Jughead walked back to the motorcycles. FP pulled his phone out and called Alice. He left a message on her voicemail. "Al, I won't be back like I said I would, for a while. I've tried all I could but these guards won't let me into town. I'll see you when I can. Call me back when you can." He ran a hand through his hair and joined Jughead by their motorcycles. "We have a long way back." Jughead stated unhappy with their current circumstances.

"I know, son. I know." FP was equally unhappy.

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