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Alice peeked down into the living room to find FP with the twins. She smiled when she saw FP sitting on the floor with the two little ones. He was rolling around a toy truck for Dagwood while Juniper stood behind him and patted his back with her little hands.

"So that's where they are," Alice came down the stairs. FP turned around to look at her. He grabbed Juniper and sat her next to her brother. "Morning, Al."

"Good morning, handsome." She walked up to him and he tilted his head back for a kiss.

"I was getting ready for work when I heard the critters calling." FP chuckled. He hooked his arms around the twins and lifted them up. He walked over to the playpen, putting them in. "Jughead took my truck and drove himself and Betty to school. They have a thing for the Blue and Gold. And I've got to drop off Jellybean on my way down to the station."

Alice was behind him when he turned. She began to tie his tie, knowing very well he still struggled to do it by himself. "You're so great with the twins."

"Well I do have experience," FP smirked. "Back when Jughead was younger it felt like he had a twin or something. The kid was everywhere. Quite the hassle." He looped his arms around her, pulling her to him. "But you know what?"

"What?" Alice giggled.

"I really like watching those two with you," He whispered into her ear. "It makes playing house more fun." He peckered kisses down from her ear to her neck, reaching her lips.

"Dad," Jellybean whined. She rubbed her eyes after reaching the bottom of the staircase. "Do that on your own sweet time. Away from my eyes."

FP laughed against Alice's lips. "Alright, alright." He turned Alice but he still kept his arms coiled around her. "Go grab breakfast and get ready for school. I'm dropping you off on my way to work."

Jellybean shuffled her feet to the kitchen. She noticed the twins on her way. "And in front of the twins? You two need to chill."

"Don't call me old but what did that last part mean?" FP quietly yet in all seriousness asked Alice.

"It means tone it down, honey."

"Oh," FP simply said.

"I'm going to go get the twins ready for the babysitter."

"I don't know if Fred is qualified," FP jested. He was only kidding.

"He's more than qualified," Alice gasped. She picked up one of the babies. "He did a good job babysitting you, didn't he?"

"Okay, okay, chill." He cheekily smiled but Alice fondly rolled her eyes at him. This man was something else.

"I'm ready," Jellybean held a bagel with her teeth as she tied the last bit of her shoe. She stood up and bit a chunk. "Let's roll, daddy-o."

"Hop into the cruiser. I'll be right out."

"Can I turn on the lightbars on someone?"

"No, it's not a toy." FP shook his head.

"Then what's the point of taking the cruiser?" Jellybean sighed and walked out of the house.

"Charles is coming over for dinner tonight," Alice reminded FP. "So don't be late."

"For our towhead?" FP gasped. "Never." He smiled and gave her another kiss. "I'll be back early, no worries."

Jellybean turned the sirens on. FP poked his head out the door. "JB!" She mischievously smiled at him. She spoke into the speaker, "We're going to be late, Jonesy." FP looked at Alice and she shrugged. She was trying her very best not to laugh. "I'll see you tonight, babe."

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