Chap 10

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Donna sat in the warm dimly lit hospital room cradling a pale almost lifeless Sophie in her arms. Her body was so hot. Running a 104 fever. A IV drip and heart monitor attached to her little hand. Donna sat in shock at what the doctors diagnosis was.. Leukemia.

The doctor explained to Donna. 'Leukemia is a cancer of the bone marrow, the substance inside of bones that makes blood cells.' Donna almost fainted. 'It's treatable and curable.' Everything the doctor was telling her was like monotoned and almost at a whisper. Donna couldn't believe her perfect baby girl was being diagnosed with.. cancer. 

She snapped out of her thoughts. 'She's only 15 months old. How did she get cancer? How was it not caught on my sonograms or through
bloodwork when she was born?' Tears were steaming down Donna's face. She couldn't believe what he is telling her. 'So, what do we do? How do we get rid of it? My baby can't die. She's all I have to live for!'

'First, we will have a blood sample taken so we can get a complete blood count (CBC). This test counts the numbers and type of blood cells in Sophie's body. Typically in children with leukemia, the numbers of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets are not normal. In some types of leukemia, all three cell types are abnormal, and in others, only one type of blood cell is affected. Sometimes, it's possible for us to see the cancerous blood cells (called blasts) under a microscope and diagnose leukemia that way. In order to understand the type of leukemia and pick the best treatment course for Sophie, a bone marrow aspirate and biopsy must be done to confirm the diagnosis and the type. This test is usually done while shes is sedated so she don't feel any pain. Once the procedure is over, results are usually available within 24 hours.'

Donna was having a hard time wrapping her thoughts around all the medical terminology he was saying. She sat down in the nearest chair. 'Like are y'all going to need like stem cells or is she going to need a blood transfusion or platelets or whatever that is?'

'We may.' the doctor said. 'You might want to have any siblings, family members, her father available for transfusions if those are needed.'

'I don't have any other children, and I'm an only child and my family disowned me when I told them I was pregnant with Sophie and her father.. well he is in New York. He doesn't even know I've had her. I don't think. I sent him a 'Dear John' type letter, but he never responded. That was like a little over a year ago.'

The doctor placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. 'For Sophie's sake. You might want to give him a call.'

Sam woke with a jolt at the sound of the phone ringing on the night stand beside him.

He looked at the clock and groaned. 'It better not be Lorraine' he said out load answering the phone.

'Hello?' He said with a raspy groggy annoyed tone. No one said anything. 'Hello?' He sounded even more annoyed and was about to hang up.

'Sam..' the voice stung his heart. She sounded so broken, scared, so tired, her voice was shaking. It was Donna. But she sounded so terrified.

Sitting straight up and shaking his head. Is she really calling me? How did she get my number? She sounds so sad. Oh my God please don't let anything have happened to her.

'Donna, darling what's wrong. Are you ok?' He sounded so sincere. She was taken back by him calling her 'darling'

'Talk to me.' He said sounding concerned 'What's going on?'

He could hear her crying 'Sam, please come here.. come to Kalokairi. Meet me at Baptist Medical on the mainland as soon as you can!' She pleaded.

'Why?' He asked even more concerned.

'Just please come! Her life depends on you getting here!'

'Who needs me, who's life? Donna are you ok? Who are you talking about? Who needs me for what? Donna?' The phone was dead.

Sam jumped up out of bed throwing on clothes grabbing his cellphone he called the airport. He was booked on the next flight out to Athens. Throwing some clothes into a suitcase. Grabbing his laptop and running out the door.

He was at the airport in no time. He ran through security check and boarded the plane. Flipping his wallet open to put his ID back in. The picture of the mysterious baby was sticking out of his wallet. He brought it to his lips. 'Her life depends on you getting here' Donna voice was running though his head. Who's life.. who is depending on me. He laid his head back and drifted back off to sleep.

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