Chap 50

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It was still early afternoon when Donna and Sam had finally pulled themselves away from each and got ready for the day.

A struggle at the door put smiles on both their faces.

'3.. 2.. 1' Sam said as the door bust open and a blur of blondes curls came running into the room.

'Mommy!' Sophie squealed as she ran straight towards Donna.

An out of breathe Rosie came running in after her with her hands over her eyes.

Donna laughed 'We're dressed Rosie.'

She lowered her hands slowly. 'Well I didn't wanna have a repeat of what Tanya had a few weeks ago.'

'She should have knocked harder and not just flung the door open when no one answered!' Sam said walking over to scoop Sophie up in his arms.

'Well, shes all yours now. I'm going to go take a nap.' Rosie said as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Sophie wiggled our of Sams arms and back walked over to Donna. She wrapped her arms around Donna's waist and hugged her belly.

'My sissy.' She said patting Donna's tummy. 'My baby.'

Sam knelt beside them. 'Are you ready to be a big sister?' Sophie shook her head.

'Do you have a name for sissy cause mommy and daddy can seem to agree on one.'

'Elsa!' Sophie said with excitement.

'We will have to see about that. We don't live in Airedale!'

Sam picked her up. 'You watch way to many princess movies.'

'Excuse me, but Elsa is no princess! She's a queen!' Donna laughed.

'Oh I stand corrected!' Sam said.

'We may have watched that movie a billion of times while sitting up in the hospital while you were at work.' She shrugged her shoulders.

She kissed Sophie's head. 'I really hope all her bloodwork and scans come back clear next week. What a wonderful birthday present that would be for her to be cancer free!' She tickled her tummy.

'And then we never have to set foot back in a hospital again. We'll just for you to have the baby.'

'Let's hope I make it to the hospital.' Sam gave her a look of question.

'What do you mean IF we make it.'

'Well Sophie was a little anxious to make her grand appearance. I had her here. There was no getting to the hospital on time.'

'Um.. so delivered her?'

'Sophia, the old lady who took care of me and let me live in the goat house.'

'Oh.. the older woman who I convinced I was your brother.'

'Yea, sadly she passed shortly after Sophie was born. So, if we can't make to the hospital.. you've got to deliver her.' Sam gave her a look of pure terror.

'I don't know nothing about birthing no babies! We'll just have to find some guest that can do that!!'

Donna was hysterically laughing. Sam was now petrified of Donna having the baby and them not making to the hospital on time.

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