Chap 49

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The sunlight was shining in the bedroom, the newlyweds lay wrapped in each other's arms.

Donna woke up and looked beside her it was Sam, but not Sam the boyfriend or Sam the fiancé, he was Sam her husband. They had finally gotten married. The ring around his finger meant he was hers forever. Their rings were a symbol of love and faithfulness, and as they placed it on their fingers yesterday, they committed their heart and soul to one another. They will wear the ring as a reminder of the vows they had spoken.

Donna laced her fingers through Sams their ring fingers touching.

Sam turned his head to look at Donna. 'Good morning Mrs. Carmichael.'

Donna smiled. 'And good morning to you Mr. Carmichael.' She rolled over and laid on her back holding her hand up in the air. 'Oh my God, I'm finally your wife! After all our drama, with you leaving, you coming back, Sophie getting sick.. we are finally married!'

'And we get to wake up like this every morning for the rest of our lives.'

'I'm so happy. I mean I was happy before, but after yesterday, I don't think I could get any happier.'

He placed his hand on her growing belly.

'I'm pretty sure this little princess is going to make us happy to.'

'We only have eight weeks and we get to meet her. And oh my God Sophie will be two in just a few weeks. Where has the time gone. Time really needs to slow down.' She started to get up. 'We need to get up.'

He laid her back down. 'Honey it's the day after I wedding. Some call it a Honeymoon.'

'And we are already parents. We did that part backwards remember. Sophie will be up shortly.'

'And.. as much as I can't believe I did it, I asked Rosie and Tanya to watch her, but just for this morning.. and maybe lunch time.'


He sat up. 'Because woman, we just got married yesterday and I want to have some alone time with you!'

'Well you don't have to shout. All you had to say is that I just wanna lay here and make love to you all morning.'

He pulled her to him. 'Women, cant live with them and can't live without them.'

'Oh no baby you never be able to live without me. And you wouldn't be able to afford to live without me now.. 2 kids. That's some major child support right there!' She laughed.

'I'll never have to pay it because I'm never leaving you!'

He kissed her with so much passion it made her toes curl. They did spend the morning making love, and holding one another. Their marriage was off to a frat start.

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