Chap 87

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Sam woke up to the sound of his cellphone ringing. He looked over to the other side of the bed. Both girls had ended up in bed with them. Sophie woke up first coughing and running a fever. Shayla woke up a hour later with chest congestion, fever and coughing. Donna sat up with both girls until they had fallen back asleep. Looks like they also both got colds for Christmas too.

He quickly found his phone and looked at the number. It was his office. He had promised Donna he wouldn't take any work calls or check any work emails while he was off.

The ringing stopped. A few minutes later his phone started ringing again. He looked over at Donna who was now awake. Her eyes daring him to take the call. He rejected the call and turned his phone on silent.

Donna had drifted back off to sleep. Sam went ahead and got up to make breakfast. He cleaned up the mess of toys spread all over the living room. He was sitting on the couch reading the paper when Donna came walking in the living room with both girls in her arms.

She walked over to the couch and Sam took Sophie. She sat down next to him holding a very sick Shayla. She had woken up alot worst than Sophie.

'I'm going to see if I can get them into the doctor this morning.' She put her cheek to Shayla's head. 'She feels really warm.'

'I made you breakfast.' She smiled and laid Shayla on the couch beside him.

She brought her plate back into the living room and both girls crawled over to her picking at her plate.

Sam laughed 'Oh this is how it always is.' She said herself picking at the plate of food.

'They are like little vultures. No wonder you lost all your baby weight and then some.'

She shrug her shoulders. She noticed Sams cellphone and laptop sitting on the coffee table.

'You checked that voicemail and checked your work email this morning, didn't you?' She cut her eyes over at him before taking a sip of coffee.

'I did, but I did it all while y'all were all still asleep.' She rolled her eyes. 'Sweetheart..'

'Oh Sam, I know you can't completely remove yourself from the company for 2 weeks. Just don't work while we are around.'

'I did send out an 'out of office' email. And told them not to call, text or email me unless it was an absolute emergency.'

She put her plate down on the coffee table. The girls got off the couch and kept digging at Donna's plate of food.

'I just want you here with us. Not distracted by your work. You're loosing them. I know it sounds crazy to say that because they are still little. But have you noticed that they want me for everything? You and Sophie used to be so close. Now, I'm all she wants at bedtime.'

'I do miss our bedtime stories.'

'Only you can change that. I can cry and bitch at you, but I can't get you to stay or come home.' She took another sip of coffee. 'I mean just last week you choose work over sex.'

'Baby I'm so sorry.' He pulled her closer to him. 'These two weeks are just for us. I want my family back. I want us back.'

They sat in silence watching the girls play in Donna's plate of food. Sophie was feeding Shayla eggs like a big girl. Donna took the fork out of Sophie's hand so she wouldn't poke her sisters eye out. Sophie frowned at Donna. Sam shook his head and laughed. Just the small gesture of Donna being a protective mother he had been missing.

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