Chap 97

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They came back from Michigan relaxed and refreshed. Keeping baby Carmichael #3 a secret until they get a doctors confirmation and due date. Donna still hasn't came to grips with the baby. Everytime she holds Shayla she gets upset because she feels shes being cheated out of being the baby of the family.

Sams work week was long and frustrating. Deals here and there. Contracts signed, deals being made, deals falling through. His phone rang off the hook. He's the boss, he shouldn't have to work so hard and deal with some of the shit he has to deal with.

It's Friday and he is so ready for the weekend. Just him and his girls. They plan on going to the zoo. Playing at the park. Laying in bed watching Princess movies.

Sams stomach growls. He looks at the clock on the wall. It's a little past 12. He needs a break. There was a soft knock on his door He threw his head back sighing in frustration.

'Come in!' He said in an annoyed tone. Laying his head back on the back of his leather chair he closed his eyes preparing to have to deal some kind of stupid shit.

The door slowly opens. 'Well I can come back if now is not a good time'

Sam jumped up from his chair. 'Sweetheart!' He walks over to her as she steps further into his office. He greeted her with a very deep passionate kiss.

She walks over and sits on the couch. He shuts the door and takes a seat beside her.

'What are you doing here?' He put his hand on her thigh.

'Can I not just come and see my husband when I want?'

'Where are the girls?'

'With your mom. I was able to schedule a doctors appointment for this afternoon.' She sunk further into the leather couch.

'Oh, so your wanting to grab some lunch before the appointment.?'

'That was kinda my plan.'

'Well what do you want to eat?' He kissed her cheek.

'It doesn't matter. No cravings right now. Just hungry.' Her cleavage was driving Sam a tad bit crazy. She flug her legs over Sams lap. He took her boots off to massage her feet.

'I hope your still willing to do that in a few months when they are fat a swollen.'

He ran his hand up her leg to her thigh.

'Mr. Carmichael, your not suppose to have dessert before your meal. It will ruin your appetite.'

'If this ruins my appetite, then I'm not really hungry. Care to satisfy my craving?' He laid her back on the couch. He moved her leg over so he could lay between her legs on top of her.

He started placing soft kisses on her neck as his hands worked the buttons of her top. Pushing the material open to expose her lacey black bra. She arched her back when the cool air touched her skin. He buried his face in her chest. He unclipped the front closer of her bra. Freeing her breast for him to take in his mouth.

She ran her fingers through his hair as he tasted her sweet skin. He trailed kisses down her chest. He touched her slight bump with both his hands before lowering his lips to place soft kisses on her belly.

She ripped his shirt open. You could hear buttons hitting the floor. She pushed it if his shoulders. Good thing he keeps a spare hanging in his coat closet.

He unbuttoned her her jeans tugging them down her tan legs. He sat up unbuckling his belt. He unzipped his slacks sliding them off tossing them next to her jeans.

He tugged her panties off her rather quickly. She took in a deep breath. He took off his boxers. He took her knees and spread her legs apart. He sat between her legs on his knees draping her legs to his sides.

He bent over running his hand up her inner thigh. She swallowed hard in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

He touched her feeling that she was already wet. He pulled her up to straddled him. His slid his legs out from under himself. He settled her down on him. Adjusting themselves for the right feel for better pleasure.

He slowly laid her back onto the cool leather couch. He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he began moving in and out of her slowly. The pace was set. He continued to move in and out of her causing her to moan when he'd hit all the right spots within her. She wrapped her legs around his waist he thrust himself further down into her. She arched her back grabbing his shoulders.

'Don't.. ever.. stop' She said in between ragged breaths. She ran her hands down his back grabbing his ass.

He again took her breast in his mouth. He sucked while running his tongue around her nipple.

Donna was having an out of body experience. This sex felt nothing like it had before. Maybe the pregnancy hormones were intensifying the pleasure she was feeling.

Sam again buried his face in the crook of her neck as his thrust got faster and harder. His warm breath on her skin was sending shivers down her spine.

He wrapped his arms around her body pulling her close to him as both their orgasms exploded at the same time. The rush of both fluids releasing against each other was pure sexual ecstasy!

With her legs still wrapped around his waist, Sam sat up pulling her with him. They held onto each both burying their faces in the crook of each other's neck. Both placing wet kisses on each other's moist skin.

'Im not hungry anymore.' He said into her neck. She let a soft chuckle wrapping her arms tighter around him.

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