Chap 73

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Seated at the dinner table Donna had ordered the filet mignon, Sam the lobster. His signature meal. He fed her a piece of lobster. The woman gawked in jealousy.

Sam was rich, sexy, romantic and very much in love with his wife. The single ladies that thought maybe one day they'd get a piece of Sam now knew they never will.

'Sweetheart, I think I'm a little tipsy.' She smiled abs leaned into him.

'And guess who's getting lucky tonight.' He said pointing to himself. He turned her face towards his and gave her a deep kiss.

'My God would you get a room already. It's very nauseating watching you two.' Lorraine said walking up to where Sam and Donna were seated.

'What the hell don't you want Lorraine?' Sam said in a very aggravated tone.

She stood there for a minute trying to think of something to say, just anything to make Donna jealous, which never works.

'Well..' Sam asked.

'Excuse me sweetheart I have to use the ladies room.' She stood and leaned down and gave Sam a very sexy passionate kiss before she walked off. Lorraine rolled her eyes as Sam watched Donna walk around the corner.

Donna had been gone for awhile and Lorraine had nothing interesting to say to Sam. He set out to find his wife. She was standing at the bar waiting for some drinks she had ordered for her and Sam.

She stood there by herself lost in her own world. A few men at the bar noticed she was alone. She turned a few heads that for sure. Sam became jealous of the attention she was attracting. One guy approached her and invaded her personal space.

'Um, Excuse me. I'm not interested. And Im very married.' She held up her ring finger. The bartender was keeping a carful eye on the situation because he knew Donna was Sams wife.

'And your very sexy. Those rings mean nothing these days.' The guy leaned in closer to Donna. She pushed him away.

'Hey buddy, you need to back off. The lady said she wasn't interested.' The bartender came to Donna's aide .

The drunk guy at the bar became agitated and pulled Donna to him. He tried to kiss her when out of nowhere a fist met the side of his face. His head landed on the bar and he jumped up swinging.

'Keep your hands of my wife you asshole.' Sam blocked the guys punch and Sam swung again making contact again with the guys face.

Donna tried pulling Sam away but the guy came at him. He grabbed Sam by the waist and slammed him against the wall. At that time the bartender and a few other guys broke the men apart. A crowd had started to form. Sam sat at one end of the bar with her fist busted and bleeding. The other guy sat at the other end with a bust lip, black eye and bloody nose.

The cops arrive about 10 minutes later arresting both guys. Even after telling the cops what had transpired they still took Sam downtown.

'Man, I was just trying to protect my wife. The guy was hitting on her and touching her. I was only doing what any husband would do in that situation.' He said as they put him in the back of the car.

Donna walked into the police station as Sam was gathering all his personal items from the bailiff.

'What's going on?' She asked hugging Sam.

'They had nothing to hold me on so let's go home.'

'It's just that easy..'

'They knew it was in self defense and I was protecting you.'

'Oh ok. How's your hand.'

'It's fine. But I think I need a little TLC. I'm feeling a bit sexually frustrated because my wife is so damn sexy and every guy seems to want a piece of her.' 

Donna rolled her eyes 'Well that would never happen. You are all the man I will ever need.' She kissed him.

Sam didn't let Donna know that he paid a shit load of money to keep his arrest record and this incident from becoming public record. He had a reputation and a company to protect.

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