Chap 102

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Sam sat at his desk. His head in his hands. He lets out a frustrated grunt. This is not something he wanted to deal with first thing on Monday morning.

His secretary Julie walks in carry updated contracts.

'Are you alright Mr. Carmichael?' She asked making Sam jump.

'Yes I'm fine. Just having a few computer issues this morning.' He quickly closed his laptop.

'Do you want me to take a look at it and see if I can fix it?' She walked around his desk and put her hand on the laptop to open it.

'No!' He shouted. Causing her to jump. 'I'll figure it out. I'm sure it's operator error. I might just need to clean my cookies or close some of the open windows. I've been real busy this morning. It's been overworked.' He gave her his signature smile.

She left his office shutting the door behind her. Sam walked around to the other side of his desk. He sat on his couch staring in front of him. He walked over to his bookcase. Moving stuff around. He shifted a few books and out fell the little black camera.

He sat back down at his laptop and opened it. A new video was posted online. The video tag line read 'the Carmichael's mixing business with pleasure' The video was yet again of Sam and Donna having sex in his office a few months ago. Only difference this time was, you could see Sams face through the whole video well until he buried his face in her chest sucking on her boob, which was very visible in the video. Donna is going to freak he thought to himself. The video post was about 10 minutes long and It was of the most intimate part of their sex. It picked up right after Sam had placed sweet kisses on his then pregnant wife's slight baby bump. He sat as the video played. It showed everything. The first video you could only hear and imagine what they may have been doing. And you definitely couldn't see their faces. The angle of this video looked like hardcore porn. Sam closed his eyes thinking how Donna was going to react. Before he could pick up the phone his office door flew open.

In the doorway stood his pissed off wife. Her cheeks were pink and tear stained. Her eyes were red and swollen from crying. She slowly closed the door behind her.

''She had been on the computer that morning booking a flight to Greece. When a spam pop up window opened and the video started playing. She sat there frozen as she watched Sam kiss her belly. Tears poured out of her eyes. She sat in shock as she watch her and Sam have sex, on his couch, in his office. Sams face was clear as day. At one point when Sam was devouring her neck she turned her head a you could see her face. Unlike the other video when nobody could tell who it was, this one you could see them both. You could see her breast, him caressing and sucking her breast, you could see her grab his ass, him lowering himself down onto her, you could see the exact moment they both climaxed. She was ready to puke.''

'How?' She said her voice cracking as she walked further into his office.

'I don't know.' He stood walking over to his bookshelf. 'But I found this' He held up the tiny black camera. 'Just a few minutes ago.'

She shut the office door before walking over and plopping down on the couch. 'This is going to ruin us, it's going to embarrass our children.. your family.'

'How can it ruin us. We're married. Married couples have sex all the time. It's not like I was banging a hooker from 5th and Main.'

'You know, it's only a matter of time before people put two and two together and figure out the other video was us too.'

Sam pinched his lips together. 'Well someone already has' He grabbed his laptop and sat on the couch beside her.

He clicked on the video of the two videos edited together. The comment read 'it's the same blonde in both videos' and it gave like a power point type explanation of how it was the same two people in both videos. The main still frame picture of the video was of Sam holding Donna with her back arched, the silhouette of her breast as Sam had his mouth open going down on her chest. Donna's head was back with her mouth open. Mostly like when she had let out one of her pleasure moans. Donna put her hands over her face.

'I'm going to call my PR guy have him make sure both videos get removed.' He sat his laptop over beside him. 'Baby, it's going to be ok. We can get past this. Again, at least we are married. It doesn't show one of us cheating on the other.' She took her hand and kissed it. 'Whoever this sick individual is must think that this kinda of media attention or media embarrassment is going to break us.'

She sat silent for a moment 'I booked the girls and I a flight too Greece this morning. We leave Friday morning.' She didn't look to see his response. 'I've just got to get out of this city.' She looked down into his hurt eyes. Tears were stinging the rims of her eyes. She opened the door and walked out leaving a hurt and stunned Sam.

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