Chap 52

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6 weeks until Donna due date. Sam had to fly to New York and finish up some deals and sign some contracts. He really didn't want to go. He had even offered to fly someone out to Greece with the papers for him to sign. He didn't want to leave Donna with her being this far along in her pregnancy. He missed Sophie's birth, and he wasn't missing this one. With it being the second baby, it could come at anytime. He also didn't want to leave her that pregnant with a rambunctious two year old either. He would be ok if the Dynamos hadn't left 2 days ago. Donna had been having more and more of those Braxton Hicks.

'Baby please.' She kissed him. 'Go we will be fine!' She pushed him towards the door. 'Sophie will keep your side of the bed warm.'

He turned around quickly 'she better be the only one keeping my side of the bed warm!'

Donna gave him a hurt expression. 'Seriously? Who'd want this?' She model her round pregnant belly.

'Well.. I think your hot!' She pulled her to him for a deep passionate kiss. 'I'm gonna miss you.'

'I'm gonna miss you too. But is only for a few days.'

Sam bent over to talk to Donna's stomach. 'You stay put until daddy gets home.' He kissed the bump and kissed Donna again. 'I love you'

Sam had only been gone for a few hours and Donna already felt lost. It's crazy how not having someone for so long your fine when there not there. But then you have them and your miserable when there gone.

Sophie and Donna were siting out in the courtyard having some dinner. Sophie was talking up a storm and Donna answered her back like she knew what Sophie was saying.

Sophie would get down out of her chair and play and dance around the courtyard while Donna sat and watched her miracle.

Her hair had all grown back and her cheeks had tanned. She had gained most of her baby chunk back. She was talking and giggling when all the sudden she stopped and ran over to Donna and buried her face in her lap. Donna got frighten not knowing what had spooked Sophie.

'Come on. She's 2 she gets scared about anything.' Donna hears foot steps.'oh shit' She thought knowing she couldn't just pick Sophie up and start running. She closed her eyes and held her breathe until the foot steps stop.

'Oh my God we're gonna die' She kept saying over and over in her head.

'Pardon me, I would be interested in seeing if you had a room available at your villa.'

Donna's eyes popped open.

'Harry!' Donna said jumping up wrapping her arms around his neck.

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