Chap 19

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Vivian offered to sit with Sophie while Sam took Donna down to the cafeteria to get her something to eat.

They sat in silence for a few moments. Donna was still processing what Vivian had told her about Sam still loving her.

'You're a mamma's boy aren't you?' Donna asked with a smirk.

'Maybe.. why? What were you and my mother talking about when I walked in.'

'Just that she convinced you to go to Greece. That she is glad that you and Lorraine are divorced. And that you told her ALL about me and our Summer in Greece. Right on down to our sex life!' Sam choked on his drink.

'She told you I told her everything?' Donna shook her head yes. 'Well she is the only one who wants me truly happy. My dad is all business deals and money. My brother is still in college trying to still figure out what he wants to be when he grows up.  My mom and I are the same. We follow our hearts not the next business deal'

'But like how detailed did you get about us..' Sam smiled.

'I told her every last detail right down to our orrga..'

'Ok thats enough I get it..' Donna was now mortified.

'I'm just kidding.' Sam was now laughing. 'I didn't get that detailed. But I'm sure she got the point.'

'You jerk!' Donna flicked a fork full of corn at him and laughed when it actually smacked him in the face.

'Oh you'll pay for that sweetheart!' He said wiping his face and corn out of his lap.

Donna stopped laughing when she met Sams eyes and he was staring at her.

'It's nice to hear your laugh again and see you smile. It's been a tough few months with you constantly being at Sophie's bedside.'

Donna swallowed hard. 'You mom also said something else that I'm still having a hard time processing..'

'Oh.. and what was that?' He asked with a smile and a twinkle in his eye.

'She said you still love me..' Donna didn't look up from her tray of food.

'I do and I'm not ashamed nor am I gonna lie about.' He took her hand. 'I know that now this is going to make it awkward between us. Well maybe for you, but not me. I am where I want to be. With you and Sophie. But I've never stopped loving you. I was a fool to have left when you told me to leave. I should have stay and showed you just how much I do love you. I was weak and I was following my head and the advice of my father and business dealings instead of my heart. My mom told me to go back and find you. And I did. I waited for 2 weeks for you. I guessed you left Greece and the memories we had made.'

'I went to Paris once I found out I was pregnant. I guess I thought I'd find answers there. But I didn't. It was the city of love and I wasn't feeling any love at the moment. Just me and my morning sickness. I did meet a nice guy over there tho.'

'And where is he now..' Sam sounded jealous.

'Why? Are you jealous?'

'Uh no.. no not at all'

'Uh ok.. whatever. But you don't have to worry your little head about him trying to come around. He's gay and I don't I think your his type.' She told him with a slight chuckle in her voice.

'Well that's a relief.' He got serious and took both of her hands in his. 'How do you feel about me? Do you still love me?'

Donna didn't what to answer him. She does love him but is afraid of getting hurt again. It's not just Donna anymore, it's also Sophie and she don't want her daughter to be hurt either.

'Sam, I can't answer that right now. I have to much going on with Sophie to even begin to think about how I feel about you or anything else for that matter. All my energy needs to be focused on Sophie and getting her out of these damn hospitals.'

She snatched her hands from his and ran out of the cafeteria.

He sat back watching her go. 'You don't have to tell me. Your actions just spoke louder than your words.' He said to himself covering his face with his hands and sighing in frustration.

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