Chap 51

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Donna had been running around like mad trying to get everything ready and done for Sophie's party. She sat down to take a breather and felt a few contractions, just Braxton Hicks. Sam noticed and ran over to Donna.

'Are alright? Do we need to head to the hospital?' Sam said in panic.

Donna laughed. 'Sam, calm down. It's to early. I'm just having light contractions. I still have like 10 weeks.'

'Well, I just want to make sure we get you to the hospital in time.'

'I know, you're freaked that you'll have to deliver her!' Donna stood and walked over to Sam and gave him a kiss. 'Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of heads up so we can head to the hospital'

Sophie had been napping and Donna heard her cry out.

'Sounds like the birthday girl is awake.'

'I'll go get her' Sam said as he ran up the stairs to Sophie's room.

Sam picked her up and hugged her. 'Daddy is so happy to be able to be here for your birthday.'

'Daddy' Sophie said laying her head on Sams shoulder. 'Can you show daddy how old her are? I know you and mommy have been working on it.' Sophie holds up her whole hand.

'Obviously she takes after you with her learning skills.' Sophie hears Donna voice and wiggles out of Sams arms to get to her mommy.

Sam mumbled 'mommy's girl.'

Donna picked her up. 'Where did these last 2 years go. Last year, we were sitting out on the balcony looking over the ocean as the sun rose. Now you're sleeping way past all the sunrises.' She kissed Sophie's little nose.

'I'm not happy how I came into her life, but I am beyond ecstatic she's my daughter. I wish I had been there when she was born. Not when you called and said she was sick. I almost lost her before I knew I had her.'

Donna walked over to Sam. He wrapped his arms around them both hugging them tight. He kissed the top of Sophie's head and then placed a soft kiss on Donna lips. He slid his hand down onto Donna's bump. 'My girls.'

Sam not wanting to be the party pooper.

'How about we go down stairs and get this party started!' Sam took Sophie from Donna and ran out of the room. Sophie's giggles could be heard echoing down the hallway.

The party was perfect. Everyone showered Sophie with way more toys than she needed. Cake was eaten. All the kids running around on a sugar high.

Sam and Donna gathered Sophie and wanted to thank everyone for coming.

Sam held Sophie and slid his other around Donna's waist.

'We want to thank you all for coming.' Donna began to choke up. 'A year ago when I got the most devastating news any parents could ever get, I didn't think we be standing here today celebrating another birthday.' She looked up at Sam 'And today we also stand here with Sophie who is cancer free!! So we will be able to celebrate many many birthdays with her.' Everyone clapped and cheered.

In unison everyone yelled..

Happy Birthday Sophie!

As everyone popped poppers and confetti scattered through the air.

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