Chap 34

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Sophie was released from the hospital just in time to spend Christmas with her family. It's a week before Christmas. Donna hasn't still been feeling well, she has bouts of nausea, she's still constantly tired. Donna knows in the back of her mind what is causing her these symptoms, she just doesn't to accept what it is just yet. She's scared and not wanting to face the reality of her current situation do the fact that it wasn't something planned and she's got a sick baby that's in and out of the the hospital.

'Babe' Sam waves his hand in front of her face. Donna snapped out of her thoughts.

'Yea what..' She lifted Sophie up from her lap and smothered her in kisses.

'You have said like only two words to me since we've been home. I've been talking and you seem to be off in la la land.'

Sitting Sophie back down in her lap and leaning over to kiss him. 'I'm so sorry. I'm just so overwhelmed with Christmas being next week and having Sophie home. I just want everything to be perfect for our first Christmas together.'

'It is really nice to have Sophie home. So glad we are all under one roof and out of the little apartment down by the hospital. Im glad y'all came to stay up in the city in the penthouse. Having my housekeeper baby proof this place was a task.' He laughed. 'She never had any children and Sophie's never been here so it was quite humorous us googling all the childproof gadgets!'

She smiled at him as Sophie crawled over to him on the couch. 'I can't believe how big she's gotten.' She's growing up way to fast.' Donna begins to tear up.

'Honey what's wrong with you, you cry at the drop of a hat now, you're not eating very well, you're still tired all the time. You are constantly sick to your stomach. Do I need to make you an appointment to see a doctor. I do know a few good ones.'

'No no.. I'm just fine.' She didn't know how long she'd be able to come up with excuses. 'Like I said I'm overwhelmed, nervous to have Sophie home. I don't want her to get sick and have to go back to the hospital before Christmas. I want her to wake up on Christmas morning to lots of presents. My Christmas wish is to have her home for good. Her cancer be in remission.' Sam wipes a tear that was rolling down her cheek. 

Trying to think of something else besides Sophie illness. 'You know we do need to decorate the tree. It's not going to decorate itself'

Donna stood from the couch and walked over to the box of ornaments. Looking back at him. 'Come on hot stuff, I'm not going to do this all myself.'

'Hey I had to carry it up here and put it in the stand!' Sam put Sophie down as she ran over to Donna and started digging in the box with her mommy. She started pulling everything out tossing it on the ground.

'Ball!' She said as she threw the red ornament at Sam.

'Whoa.. good arm baby girl. Daddy will have to get you signed up for t-ball when your old enough.'

'Um not if mommy signs her up for dance lessons first.. or maybe piano.'

'Well whatever she decides to do when she gets bigger it can be up to her.'

'If daddy wants a little t-ball player then daddy needs to have a little boy. Mommy's little girl is going to be a dancer. Mommy's little dancing queen.' She immediately regretted mentioning them  having another baby.

Raising an eyebrow 'Does mommy want to play with daddy so daddy can get his little t-ball player sometime in the very near future. I hear practice makes perfect.'

'The future is closer than you think' She said under her breath.

He wrapped his arms around Donna's waist resting his hands on her stomach. She jumped slightly before relaxing back onto his chest. Sophie laid her head on Donna's shoulder as they stood but the bare Christmas tree that still needed to be decorated.

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