Chap 127

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Baby Sam has survived 8 weeks with his big sisters. They were constantly picking him up, poking his face, stealing his pacie's, stealing his blankets. Shayla even tried pulling him out of Donna's lap once.  Shayla is a little jealous because of his time spent with Donna. She crawls up in her lap everytime Donna feeds baby Sam. He was a good baby despite the hell his sisters have put him through. He was a good eater and he slept well. That's the Donna in him cause everything else in that child was his daddy's. Sam couldn't deny him if he tried. Which he never would. He was proud of his son.

Donna had to go into the city. She would be meeting Sam for lunch. She had the girls in their double stroller and she had baby Sam in the baby carrier strapped to her. It was chilly so she had basically button him up in her jacket.

She had shopped a little and found herself in Central Park. She had taken a seat on a bench near the children's playground. She made sure both girls jackets were zipped and their hats on their heads. Donna settled back down on the bench and situated baby Sam under the blanket to nurse.

He cellphone starting ringing.


'Hey baby, where are you? I'm done with all my meetings and I thought I join y'all before lunch.'

'We're at the little park. Are you gonna met us here and then we can walk together to lunch?'

'Yea, I'll meet you there in about 15 mins.'

'Ok, I love you.'

'I love you more.' Sam said before they ended the phone call.

'Donna darling.' A familiar voice caught her attention.

Donna looked up 'Mother? What are you doing here?'

'I've come to meet my newest grandbaby.'

'How did you know I had another baby? How did you know I was at the park?'

'I have people.'

'You have people following me?' Donna was getting upset.

'No, I have friends here in the city. They keep up with the social pages. They saw the baby announcement in the newspaper.'

Donna had forgot a moment about Sams 'celebrity' status.

Ruby watched the girls play on the jungle gym.

'They are absolutely beautiful. That Sophie is a spitting image of you when you were little.'

Donna sat in silence. She didn't know what to say to her mother. She disowned her when she told her she was pregnant with Sophie now she's sitting next to her acting like a doting grandparent.

'Donna dear, I want to be apart of your life. I want to watch my grandkids grow up. I want to commit to being a grandmother.'

'How am I to forgive you when you weren't there for me when I needed you most. I was scared. I was  alone. I had no one.'

Donna was getting upset. Tears were forming in her eyes.

'Why do you think you can waltz back into my life. I've grown up, I'm a wife and I'm a mother. I have a family. Sams family have excepted me.'

'I'm sorry darling. I never should have told you not to come back.'

'But you did and I grew up. Fast! I was a single mom for the first year of Sophie's life. It was tough trying to raise a kid when I was still practically just a kid myself.'

'You were old enough to get pregnant.'

'That's besides the point. I loved Sam. I just didn't know he was going to blindside me with a finance.'

'Please forgive me. I love you darling. You're all I have. You and these precious babies.'

Donna sat for a minute. She did love her mom. They had a good relationship when her mother wasn't trying to shove her onstage into the spotlight.

'I need time. I loved for the kids to get to know you.' She adjusted herself under the blanket and lifted the blanket off the baby. Ruby smiled at the sight of the chubby cheeked baby boy.

'Oh my, he's handsome.'

'Takes after his father.' Sam said taking a seat next to Donna. He gave Donna a sweet little peck on the lips and put his hand on her leg. The little things Ruby noticed about the couple. He loved her daughter.

'My mother came to apologize. I told her that it may take me some time, but I do want her back in my life.'

'Baby, that's all up to you. I'll support whatever you decide.' She touched his cheek and gave him a sweet kiss.

Ruby smiled at the site of her daughter happy and in love with a man who loved her unconditionally. He had made her happy. Sam and those beautiful kids put the smile on Donna's lips. Ruby knew it wouldn't happen overnight, but she was thankful that Donna was willing to let her back in her life. 

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