Chap 53

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'Oh my God Harry you scared the shit out of me!' She placed a hand on her stomach. Sophie hid behind Donna's legs.

'I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you. I missed a certain little princesses birthday last year. Well I missed this years too but I come baring gifts!'

Sophie cane out from behind Donna and took the gifts Harry had brought from her.

'So..' eyeing Donna's baby bump. 'I've missed a lot in the last year.' He took her hand and examined the wedding ring. 'That will teach me to stay away for so long.'

'Oh you have no idea what's happened in the last year.. where do I begin?' She sat down looking over at Sophie.

'Well.. it's always best to start at the beginning.'

Donna smiled at him. 'Ok, so.. Sophie turned 1, we went for her 1 year check up. Her bloodwork came back abnormal.'

Harry looked over at Sophie. He didn't see anything physically wrong with Sophie.

'Cancer.' Donna looked down at her hands.

'Oh Donna I wish I had been here for you as she went through that.'

'Well, that's how this..' She held up her hand. 'happened.'

'You got married because Sophie was sick?' Confused.

'No, stop talking and let me tell my story.'

Harry put a finger over his mouth.

'Well the doctor suggest I call family and friends in case Sophie needed a blood transfusion or palettes or something. When I told him I had no family he asked about Sophie's dad.'

'The architect guy that left you to get married?'

Donna rolled her eyes. 'Yea, he's the one. But anyway, I had to call Sam because Sophie's life depended on him if she needed a blood transfusion or something.' She took a sip of tea. 'So he flew out here and thats when he found out about Sophie.'

'You didn't tell him about her when you called?'

'No, I just told him I needed him here, her life depended on him getting here.'

'And he flew out here?!'

'Yes Harry.. your ex lover calls you out of the blue crying her eyes out telling 'get here her life depends on you' and you wouldn't hop on the next flight out to Greece?'

'Well id probably ask more questions.'

'I didn't give him a chance to before I hung up. Back to my story.. Sam came, he stayed here with us until he thought we should transfer Sophie to New York.'

'You have been in New York?'

'Yes, well he's divorced and obviously.. ' She pointed to be belly. 'We got close. He proposed, well it was a promise ring at first because I couldn't tell him I loved him.'

'So you're engaged?'

'We flew back home because I couldn't stand being in that city. I needed the ocean and Sophie had gotten so much better. We came home, and he came with us.'

'So this Sam guy, just packs up his life and flies over here to be with you.'

'Yes, he got Sophie as a bonus. We got married about 6 weeks ago. The baby is due in 2 months. Another girl. And Sophie's cancer free.'

'Where is he now?'

'He had to go back to New York. He had some business to take care of. He should be back in a few days. He's petrified that I'll have this baby and he'll have to deliver her because we won't make it to the hospital in time.' She grabbed her stomach.

Harry became scared. 'Ahh.. what's going on?'

'Your just like Sam. Stop freaking out.. it's a Braxton Hick. We get those before we actually have the baby. It's just preparing the body for labor.'

'Well you better cross your legs because I'm not delivering that kid either!'

Donna busted out into hysterical laughter.

'You guys are all alike. What if you actually had to have the baby?'

Harry's eyes got big.

'Don't worry, she's not going to come without her daddy bring here. We've made a pack.'

Donna looked out over at the sunset as another twinge crossed her belly.

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