Chap 76

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Donna was mentally preparing herself for dinner. The last business dinner she had gone to a few months ago ended with Sam getting arrested.

She was finished doing her hair and make up and all she had left to do was put on her dress. She was sitting in the big comfy chair in their suite feeding Shayla and Sophie was snuggled up to her watching Finding Nemo on Donna's phone. Sam pulled out his cellphone and snapped a picture. The way the sunlight was hitting them made for a beautiful picture. Making it his home screen on his cell he also uploaded it to his Instagram account.

Donna handed the baby to Sam. 'She should be set for the night. That little sugar likes to eat.'

Donna put on her dress and gave Ms Betty some last minute feeding instructions for Shayla if they aren't back before she gets hungry again.

Sam and Donna were not staying at the same hotel as the rest of the group. So they had to meet up with the another couples to head out to dinner.

Sam took notice of the way his wife dressed compared to the other woman in the group. Donna was sexy, yet sophisticated. Her dresses were never to short, her heels were never to high. She never showed more cleavage than necessary. Her dresses were fitted, never to tight. Her hair and makeup always natural. She had a natural beauty about her.

She was walking back from the restroom and Sam couldn't help but undress her with his eyes as she walked towards him. The navy blue dress hugged her curves in all the right places.

She walked up to Sam and he pulled her to him giving her gentle kiss.

'What's that for?'

'Can't I just give my wife a kiss? I think your beautiful tonight. Well your beautiful every night.' She gave him a kiss back.

'Sweet talker. You know you will be getting lucky tonight. And not just at the casino.' He slid his hand down her back and grabbed her ass.

'You like my ass don't you?'

'That and a few other things.' He looked down at her chest.

They had been standing in the lobby of the other hotel for what seemed like forever. Donna whispered to Sam 'What are we waiting on?'

Sam rolled his eyes as Lorraine came walking off the elevator in an over the top red fitted dress that look like it should be worn in a circus ring.

'Are you freaking kidding me?' Donna said as she turned and started walking towards the doors. Sam caught up with her. 'Why is she everywhere? I'm so sick of seeing her damn face at every business dinner or event I come to with you!'

'I'm not sure why she's here this time. We have no more business ties with her family.'

She walked up to one of Sams business associates and took his arm and kissed his cheek.

'You've got to be kidding me?'

'What?' Donna said turning to look.

'She is with Kevin. That conniving little bitch.'

'Can we just go ahead and leave. Do we have to hang with those people. Do bosses have to hang with their associates?'

Sam lead them towards the door. 'We will catch up with you guys at the restaurant.' Sam told the crowd as he slid his arm down and around Donna waist leading her out the door.

Lorraine watched as they walked out of the hotel to a waiting car. Sams business partner Jonathan walked up to her.

'You know you will never ever get him back. You might as well leave him allow. I'm surprised they haven't slapped a restraining order against you yet.'

'He was mine first.'

'You sound like your a freaking high school girl. He was never really yours. It was business. He never loved you. Sam and I are pretty close. I can tell you, you never stood a chance when Sam came back from Greece. Donna was ALL that guy thought about and talked about. Why do you think your marriage lasted less than a year. Leave him alone, your wasting your time running after someone you'll NEVER get.'

He grabbed his wife's hand and followed after Sam and Donna.

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