Chap 84

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The Vegas business trip was a trip to be remembered. Although they do say 'what happens in Vegas stays on Vegas' Donna managed to avoid the paparazzi. Sam threaten to sue if they took pictures of his kids. They took it as a serious warning. She wasn't a 'celebrity' worth being sued over. Donns did not see her mom again. Avoiding the shows and dodging phone calls.

Lorraine had backed off.. for now.

Back safely in New York the Carmichael's were getting ready to celebrate Christmas. On a rare occasion when Sam wasn't at the office, They took the girls to see the tree in Times Square and to see Santa. 9 month old Shayla wanted no part of jolly old St Nick. Sophie on the other hand talked his head off naming every toy she had been seeing in commercials lately.

Sam's business had started to pick up again. He had been spending alot more time at the office. Donna was supportive, but missed having her husband at home like he had been in the past. She had gotten spoiled having him home so much. She had asked him on a few occasions to stay home with her and he chose work over sex.

They hadn't even celebrated their first wedding anniversary and Sam was now gone to work more than he was at home. Donna even said once in an argument. 'I guess the honeymoons over!'

His work was starting to effect the girls. They were choosing Donna over Sam. Sophie who used to be such a daddy's girl now preferred Donna at bedtime, Donna to make her breakfast, Donna at bath time, Donna to read her books. Shayla didn't have much to do with Sam anymore. Although she never got to attached to Sam like Sophie. Sophie and Sam bonded when Sophie was sick. Shayla was already the mammas girl. So with Sam hardly around, She was attached to Donna's hip or chest for that matter.

Sam felt bad that Donna was doing all the work with the girls. In his defense he always threw out that he works outside of the home bringing home money to pay the bills. That's hits a nerve with Donna. They decided not to have a nanny and that Donna would be a stay at home mom. She works harder in one day with the girls than Sam probably does in a week just pushing papers and signing his name to contracts. They also had decided they'd live off Sams salary and the money the Villa made would go into trust funds for the girls.

They had even talked about having another baby. Sam still wanted a son. There was still a 50/50 chance that they'd have another girl. Just because you want a boy don't mean you'll get a boy. Donna said she didn't want another baby if he was going to be at the office all the time. Shayla wasn't even a year old yet. Donna didn't want three under three. Three in diapers would be crazy! Plus she's still nursing Shayla. And Lords knows potty training Sophie was about to be the death of Donna.

It was the week before Christmas and Sam came home really late on a Friday night. Donna and the girls were already in bed. Donna was laying on her side, Shayla was tucked in the curve of Donna's body snuggled against Donna's warm chest. Sophie lay sprawled out next to Shayla her blankie close to her face. Sams side of the bed cold. He sighed and climbed in bed.

He missed another day of life with his family. He began to think, is his office more important than the three loves of his life lying next to him? He drifted off into a restless sleep.

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