Chap 121

411 22 3

Sam and Donna were walking around the city in baby boy bliss. They had done a little boy clothes shopping. Looked at nursery furniture and decor. Sam already wanted to buy the Ford 4x4 motorized car at FOA Swartz toy store. Donna had to talk him out it seeing as he wouldn't be able to play with it for a few years.

They were walking through Central Park and Donna wanted some ice cream. She went and sat on a bench near the playground. She was watching all the kids playing thinking she should bring that girls here to play. Living in a penthouse there is no yard so that meant no swing set. The girls stayed cooped up all day. Donna placed her hand in her stomach when the baby started kicking.

'Is this your first?' Then lady sitting beside Donna asked. 'You look so happy.' Donna was smiling as felt the baby kick.

'I'm very happy. Actually this is my third
child. We have two girls. Sophie is 3 1/2 and Shayla is 17 months.' Sam handed her the double scoop ice cream cone. 'We just found out we're having a boy.' He kissed her cheek.

'Aww that's so sweet. I have 4 boys. I'd do anything for a little girl. We kept trying and we kept getting boys. So we stopped. I guess I was just destined to be a #boymom'

'This little guy will be our last.' Sam put his hand on Donna's stomach. She looked over at him surprised.

'I thought you wanted a soccer team?' She laughed.

'I just want them healthy. But if it was another girl we would have kept trying.' He looked over at the lady. 'We would have probably ended up with our own dance squad before we got our boy.'

She laughed at Sam. 'I'm trying to convince my husband to try one more time. When this little guy gets older.' She was holding a cute blonde blue eyed chubby cheek baby boy that looked about 9 months old or so.

Donna was surprised when Sam said that this would be their last baby. They hadn't really talked about it, she had just thought he wanted more because of the time he said they'd have their own little soccer team and how they could 'practice'.

Donna was holding Sams arm as they walked down the busy street in Times Square. They were heading back to Sams office to get the car.

'So, you don't want anymore kids after this little guy?' She asked him.

'Why, do want more kids.' She shrugged. 'I just thought three would be good. We've got our girls and our boy. Perfect little family.'

'I know we really don't have room in the penthouse for more..' She said.

'We'd have to move..'

'Right and I thought we could buy a house out of the city. One with a backyard so they girls could have a swing set. A pool. We stay cooped up in the penthouse all day.'

'I've had that penthouse since my college days.' He said to her.

'Ok, well your a husband and father now. They kids need a place to play.'

'We can bring them to the park.' He was getting frustrated.

'Oh my God, I didn't think you were so attached to your penthouse.'

'I'm not attached. We can move fine. I'll just be further away from work..'

'No we'll stay in the penthouse. I was just trying to get something more suitable for a family with young kids. No problem.' She let go of his arm and walked a few steps ahead of him.

The penthouse was very spacious but only had 3 nice size bedrooms and 3 and half bath with an office.

'Sweetheart come on. Why are you getting so upset over a a place to live. We just found out for sure it's a boy. I know the penthouse isn't going to be big enough when the kids get older'

'Older? Sam, I was living on a freaking beach for God's sake. Now I'm stuck inside all day. You don't let me go many places without a 'bodyguard'
He looked at her. 'Yea, I know about the guys you have follow us when we go out.'

'I just wanna make sure you're safe when you're out with the girls. The city can be a scary place and you get easily distracted dealing with the girls and may not be aware of your surroundings.' He opened the glass door to his office building.

'And if we had a back yard, I wouldn't have to go into the city that much and you would've have to worry.' She pleaded with him. They stepped on the elevator. 'I'll move me and the girls out of there.' She crossed her arms.

'You're not moving anywhere without me.' She raised her eyebrows at him. They stared at each other the rest of the way up to his office floor.

He stepped off the elevator holding it open. She stepped off walking past him. He shook his head.

'So, what are you having?' A young worker of Sams stopped them as they walked to his office.

Sam put his hand on Donna's stomach and she tensed up because she was angry. Yes she was angry over a house. Hormones will do that to you.

'It's a boy!! I'm finally getting my boy!' The office erupted in cheers. They were given congratulations and high fives for Sam.

They walked into his office and he shut the door behind them.

'Ok, we will look at houses this weekend. But I'm not jumping at the first house we see. It's got to have all the features we.. you..' He rolled his eyes. 'You want.'

She got excited. 'I want something before the baby is born. Moving with a newborn can be hell.'

'Like I said, we aren't going to settle, we are going to find a house that we both want and has everything we need and want to raise our family in.'

She nodded. 'Ok.' She got up from the couch and walked around his desk and leaned up against the desk next to where he was sitting. 'I knew you'd come around.'

'I just didn't want to deal with a hormonal pissed off pregnant woman.'

She popped the back of his head. He pulled her into his lap. She wrapped her arm around the back of his neck. His hand was on her butt for support.

He looked down at her belly he smiled back up at her. 'Carmichael, party of five.' He put his hand down over hers on her bump. He kissed her softly.

In the back of Donna's mind she was sad that this would be their last baby. She wanted more since she was an only child. The girls had each other to play with. She'd thought maybe if they'd try again it would be another boy and then this little guy would have someone to play with. She would let fate play this hand.

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