Chap 64

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Sam had been gone for a week already. Donna was becoming frustrated trying to take care of both girls by herself and little contact from her husband.

She had talked to her mother in law on several occasions. She hadn't seen much of Sam either while he's been in town.

Donna was becoming worried that something was up, as usual, she was jumping to conclusions. She booked her and the girls a flight to New York. Telling only Vivian of her plans.

She packed up the girls and set out for the airport. Strapping the baby to her chest in a baby carrier with Sophie on her hip. The diaper bag hanging from her other arm.

She boarded the flight and got herself and th girls settled in for the long flight. Thankfully, Sophie slept most of the flight and the baby either nursed or slept. The flight attendants commented to Donna that they had never seen a single mom travel with 2 kids and not want to pull her hair out. They were amazed at how well Sophie and Shayla had been for the flight.

Stepping out into the busy JFK airport Donna quickly found Vivian and Sams dad. Vivian quickly walks up to Donna immediately taking Sophie from her.

'Thank you!' Donna adjusted the diaper bag on her shoulder.

'Oh Donna dear I'm so glad you decided to come.' Vivian hugged Donna. She pulled back the baby carrier to peek at her newest grand baby. 'Oh my, She is absolutely beautiful.' She kissed her little head.

'my sissy.' Sophie said.

Donna laughed. 'She a little possessive of Shayla. She's HER baby.'

Sams dad took the bags and walked behind the ladies as the chatted and caught up. He wasn't a man to carry on many conversations. Donna had to remind herself she's the one who messed up a business deal between the Carmichael's and Lorraine's family.

They had breakfast before heading home to the penthouse. They must have just missed Sam because Donna could still smell his cologne in the bedroom.

They had made plans to meet for dinner. Sams brother and girlfriend were also in town. Donna reassured Vivian that she would be fine alone. She was just going to get herself and the girls settled in.

Once alone and the girls napping Donna walked around the penthouse. Sam had put up new pictures around the living room. The kitchen was a mess so Donna loaded the dishwasher. He was living a Bachelor again.

She sat at the computer ordering a baby bed for Shayla and a few other accessories for the girls room.

Digging through Sophie's closet she pulled out clothes that were to small. She sat back down at the computer to order the girls some new clothes.

She freshen up and decided to go shopping in the city for things to wear now. She called the driver and loaded the girls in their car seats. He dropped her off in the middle of town. She told him Sam did not know she was in town so if he called just go get him. Stuff the car seats in the truck. Sam never called so he sat in the car nearby to keep an eye on Donna and to take the shopping bags.

It was getting close to lunchtime so Donna had him take her up to Sams office.

She got off the elevator and walked towards Sams office. His secretary greeted her and Donna was about to walk in Sam's office when another young girl walked up. Sams secretary had walked away and the young intern did not know who she was.

'Excuse me ma'am you can't go in there. He asked not to be disturbed' Looking at Donna then down at Sophie.

Donna turned on her heels. 'You must be new.' Donna let go of Sophie's hand. 'How rude of me not to introduce myself. I'm Donna, Mrs Carmichael. I'm Sams wife.' She held out her hand. The young intern got embarrassed and walked away.

Sophie had already walked over to Sams office door. She turned the handle and flung the door open.

Sam jumped as did the the other people in his office.

'Daddy!' Sophie screamed as she ran into Sams office.

Sam looked up just as Donna stepped into the office with a very pissed off expression on her face.

It was evenly matched. 2 males and 2 females. What pissed Donna off the most was one of those females was Sams ex.. Lorraine.

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