Chap 82

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A soft knock on the bedroom door and the sound of a hungry infant brought Donna out of her peaceful sleep. Donna opened her eyes trying to focus. The weight of Sam's body on hers was making it difficult for her to sit up.

'Baby get off me.' She tried pushing him.

Sam just moaned and held onto Donna tighter. He started kissing her neck. She was starting to give in as he stared moving his lower body against her.

Another knock on the door and an even louder cry.

She popped his arm. 'Sam stop!' Again trying to push him off her. 'Ms. Betty is at the door with Shayla.'

Sam let out a frustrated sigh and rolled over off her. She got up and grabbed the robe that was hanging across the loveseat in the room. She looked back to make sure Sam was decent before she opened the door.

Ms. Betty handed the fussy little girl to Donna. They chatted a few minutes about what to do today before Donna shut the door back a walked over to the bed and settle back against the pillows. At 6 months old Shayla still liked her milk. She had also become quite the mammas girl. If Donna was near Shayla knew it and would become fussy until she was in her mammas arms.

Shayla latched on immediately settling against Donna's chest. Propping her chubby little hand up on Donna's chest.

Sam rolled over he smiled at the sight of Donna feeding their youngest. He sat up and kissed her little head. He pulled Donna close as she leaned up against him.

'Time needs to slow down. She's growing up to fast.' Donna took her chubby hand and kissed it.

'They do do that. You know, they grow up.'

'I know but seems just like yesterday she was born.'

Sams phone rang. 'Who's calling this early?' Donna asked looking down at Shayla who was drifting back of to sleep.

Looking over at the clock. 'It a little after 9, so its technically not early to some people.'

Donna rolled her eyes. She slid back down under the covers holding Shayla close to her. She kissed the soft baby curls on her head before laying her head back down on the pillow. She was kissing the baby's head watching Sam.

Sam was standing up pacing back and forth. The phone call ended and he sat back down on the bed.

'There's good news and there's bad news.' Donna looked at him confused.

'The good news is.. the phone at the office has been blowing up looking for Donna Sheridan.'

'Why would they call your office looking for me. I'm not even Sheridan anymore.'

'They traced Sheridan back to Carmichael and back to my company.'

'What did I do? Do I have an outstanding speeding ticket, did I run a red light?'

Sam laughed. 'Um, it's a record producer wanting to talk to you.'

'What?' She yelled causing Shayla to jump. She put her hand over face. 'You call that good news?'

'Women sing, make albums and go on tour all the time.'

'Whoa buddy, lets not put the cart before the horse. I'm not going to go back to singing and touring. Im fine without that. I'm just your wife and Sophie and Shayla's mom. And that's how I want it to stay. I'm not a performer. I am not my mother.'

He was looking at his computer. 'Well you got some really good reviews. Some even liked your since of style and your sexy husband.' He winked at her.

She sat up leaning over the baby to see what Sam was looking at.

'Someone uploaded it to YouTube?! You've got to be shitting me!' She flopped back down on the pillow.

'You've got over 5 thousand views since last night.'

She covered her face. 'Wait you said there was good news and bad news. Your good news what not good news to me, so what's the bad news'

'Paparazzi is set up down in front of the hotel waiting for you to emerge.'

She rolled her eyes and pulled the covers up over her head. Sam laughed and pulled her and Shayla close to him. Donna looked over at him with a 'please make it stop' look. They were going to have face it at some point but right now she just wanted to forget it ever happened.

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