Chap 63

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Donna woke up at the sound of soft newborn cries coming from the baby monitor. She gently slid her naked body out from under Sam grabbing his dress shirt off the chair as she walked across the hall to the girls room. They had decided to have the girls share a room. It was also for convenience sake. With the girls only being two years apart, alot of clothes, blankets and baby stuff being shared. It would also be good for them to share a room so as they got older they'd have each other if they got scared.

Donna sat in the nursery rocking and feeding Shayla. A smile spread across her face when she  looked over at Sophie laying flat on her back all sprawled out snoring. She still can't believe it had already been six weeks since that stormy night Shayla made her grand entrance. The days were flying by.

Donna had a few tears in her eyes going back to the argument she had with Sam earlier. Nothing ever gets resolved with them because they always just end up falling in bed. He was heading to New York for two weeks on business. He wanted Donna and the girls to come with him. He also wanted his mom to met her newest granddaughter. That tugged at Donna. She loved Vivian and Vivian loved Sophie. So she knew she'd love Shayla no less. Sam even offered to fly his mom to Greece to come stay with Donna and the girls while he was gone.
It wasn't that they couldn't go, cause medically Donna was released postpartum and Shayla already had her first rounds of shots. Donna just didn't want Sam going anywhere.

Donna laid her head back on the rocking chair and closed her eyes. A tear slid down her cheek.

'How can I be happy and sad at the same time?' She asked herself outloud.

The earlier conversation.

'Why can't you just move your company here?' She asked frustrated.

'I can't do that.' Sam shouted. 'I have a building full of employees.'

Donna took a step back. 'And I take it all those employees are more important than your wife and kids.'

'That's not what I mean. You knew when we got back involved in each other's life that I owned my own company. Something I had went to college and work my ass off for.'

'Oh yeah I knew it, just didn't know you were married to it. When Sophie was sick, I couldn't make you go to the office. Now you spend most of your time down in your office looking for your next job. We barley see you and now your flying off to New York for two weeks?'

'I want y'all to come with me. This place is doing very well since the renovations. That's why we hired Mr Stanos. To help you with the guest load and hotel business stuff.'

'But this is still my life Sam. Just like your company back in New York. The funny thing is.. this was OUR dream and I seem to be the only that cares for it anymore.'

'Wow, you've become such a spoiled bitch lately.'

Donna glared at him. He knew he had just crossed the line and immediately regretted what he had just said.

Movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. Sam was leaning up against the door frame of the girls nursery. Donna turned her head and closed her eyes. He walked over to Donna and picked up Shayla and laid back in her crib.

They made eye contact before he pulled her up from the rocking chair and wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him.

'My shirt looks better on you.' He said before kissing her.

'Sam why does everything have to be so damn hard. Why do people in love have so many obstacles and road blocks that prevent them from having complete happiness?'

They held each other before heading back to their bedroom. Sam pulled Donna to him and slid the shirt off her shoulders.

He laid her back on the bed and pulled her up to him holding her close. Their bodies becoming one in rhythm. Again nothing being resolved just them making love and getting lost in each other.

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