Chap 120

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Donna stepped off the elevator and it was as if all eyes were focused on her. She smiled as she walked across the room making her way to Sams office. She guesses a few people must have heard about her punching someone who was trying to hit on Sam. She had been water cooler talk the past few days.

Sams door was cracked and she could hear him talking on the phone.

'I said I'm not going on that trip. My wife is pregnant and I am not traveling for business anytime soon. I thought I made that perfectly clear when I left Sweden.' He looked up as Donna walked in. 'If you want my business then you come here to my office. I'm not traveling anywhere.'

Donna took a seat on the couch waiting for Sam to finish his phone call. She pulled her cellphone out of her purse. Flipping through her social media sites. She looked up at Sam with her eyes squinted. He had posted a picture of her with the girls on the beach from last week. You couldn't see their faces because of the way the sunlight was behind them. It was a beautifully captured picture of pregnant Donna and the girls. It became Sams lock screen on his phone. She scrolled through some more and found an 'after sex' picture. Donna shook her head. No wondering people stare at them all the time. They think they are sex maniacs. She found a few more pictures that would get people taking. How is he sneaking these pictures she thought.

Sam was standing in front of her. 'Are you ready for to see our little guy?'

'And I wonder why people are constantly stare lying at us. It's not all the sex videos.' She holds her phone up. 'You posting all these pictures of me half naked, after sex kind of pictures. I'm surprised Playboy hasn't called yet.' Sam raised an eyebrow. 'Well actually I really don't have the 'Playboy' girl look.'

He pulled her up from the couch and pulled her to him.

'I'm not ready to share that much of you to the world. But I can't help it your just so beautiful. 'He softly kissed her lips. 'Besides that last video showed more than enough.'

She rolled her eyes. 'I hope that just fades out into the oblivion.'

He takes her hand and kisses it as they walk out for the elevator.

Sitting in the doctors office Donna is nervous. Her leg is shaking. Sam puts his hand on her knee.

'Baby why are you so nervous. It's not like we haven't been here before.'

'I know but we are going to find out for sure if it's a boy. That other sonogram was so early.'

'Unless something has fell off since your last sonogram. Then I'm pretty sure it's still a boy.' Sam chuckled.

'What if it was like the umbilical cord between its legs making it look like a boy and it's really a girl. Will you be ok with another girl?'

Sam laughed and kissed her cheek. 'Yes it would be ok. I just want it healthy. And besides, we'd just keep trying until we got our boy.' He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

The door opened and they called Donna's name. They settled into the exam room. Sam was holding her hand because she was still quite nervous. The doctor came in and gave Donna her exam. Everything looks good. Blood pressure, weight gain.

'You ready to see what your having?' The doctor asked.

'Well we kinda already know because we were told at my last sonogram what it looked to be.'

'Aww.. so you've already stated picking out names?'

They looked at each. 'Actually, no we haven't.' Sam said.

Donna laughed. 'We have so much going on at home with our girls and his work. I guess we haven't even thought about naming him yet.'

'Him? So you've been told it's a boy?'

'Yes and we are so excited. I lost a baby boy earlier this year when I was in a car accident.'

'Yes I remember reading that in your chart.'

Sam took her hand. 'So this is kinda nerve wracking for her.'

'Well let's get the nurse in here and see what you're having.'

10 minutes the nurse walks in with the sonogram machine. Donna lays back taking a deep breath. Sam grabs her hand.

'This is going to be cold.' The nurse said as she squirted the gel on Donna's stomach.

She moved the probe around her stomach taking notes and jotting them down in Donna's chart.

'Well, looks like it's now confirmed, it's still a boy!'

Donna looked at Sam tears filling her eyes and a huge smile on her face. Sam looked down at her and gave her a tender kiss.

'See I told ya it would still be a boy.' They kissed as the nurse finished up her notes.

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