Chap 126

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Sam walked into the hospital room quitely. Donna and baby Sam were sleeping. Sophie gets excited seeing the new little baby in her mommy's arms.

'My baby.' She looks up at Sam.

'Yep, that's your baby brother.' He said in a quite whisper.

He walked over closer to the bed. Donna began to wake hearing Sam talking with the girls.

'Hey you guys.' Donna said causing them to all look towards her.

Shayla instantly held her arms out towards Donna. Sam got up a walked over to the bed.

'Careful now' He told Shayla as she snuggled into Donna side. She looked at the baby in her moms arms and turned her head.

Sam lifted Sophie and sat her on the edge of the bed. She looked down at her new baby brother.

'Me hold?' She held out her arms.

Donna placed baby Sam in Sophie's arms. Donna laid back and Shayla quickly occupied her empty lap. She's not interested in the new baby. She just wants her mamma.

Sam helped Sophie support her baby brothers head. She kept giving him kisses.

'Hi bubbie, I sissy.' She said to him. 'She sissy too.' Pointing towards Shayla. 'This daddy and dat mommy.' She said proudly.

Donna smiled. Shayla had laid her head on Donna's shoulder. She was rubbing her back.

'Mommy and daddy met him last night. When you were fast asleep bubbie was born.'

'He came out mommy's tummy?' She asked confused.

Donna and Sam looked at each other.

'You can say that.' Donna said.

'No more baby in mommy tummy?' She asked still confused.

'Nope, you got your baby brother right here.' Sam placed a tender kiss on the top of his sleeping sons head.

''We take him home?'

'Yep we get to take him home.' Donna said. Shayla had fallen asleep.

'But mommy and bubbie have to stay in this room for a couple days. The doctor has to make sure mommy and bubbie are not sick and then they can come home with us.'

'Mommy stay here too?'

'Just got a couple days. Then mommy and bubbie are home with us forever!'

Sam looked over at Donna, she was in pure mommy bliss.

'Well she's excited to meet her new baby brother.' Sam leaned over and rubbed Shayla's back.

'I'm sure will be, eventually. Seems like now she just wanted her mommy.' Donna kissed the back of her head.

A nurse came in. 'Oh my.. your girls are gorgeous!'

Sam and Donna smiled. Very proud of their cute little family.

'Thank you.' Donna said with a proud smile.

'Well we need to take the baby to the nursery and take his vitals. What time did he last feed?'

Donna looked at Sam then the clock on the wall.

'Maybe a little over two hours ago. He nursed for awhile. I think he's going to be a big eater.'

'Well he is a big boy.' Sam said.

'We will bring him back in about a hour.' The nurse took the baby from Sophie. 'I'll bring your baby brother back in just a little bit.'

'He mine.'

'She knows that baby she just wants to make sure bubbie is getting bigger like you.' Sam pulled her into his lap.

Sam leaned over and kissed Donna lips softly. 'I love you. Our year is off to a great start.'

'I couldn't be anymore happier than I am right now. I love you so much.'

The shared another tender kiss holding their girls waiting for their baby boy to join them to complete their happy little family.

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