Chap 109

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Donna had decided to head back to New York the week before Sam was due home from Sweden. It had been torture to be apart. She and the girls had been in Kalokairi for 3 months. It was way better than sitting in New York bored with Sam in Sweden. She got things done. She had gotten everything back together with the Villa. Bills organized. Shipments and future shipments orders. And the girl had got their tans back.

She hasn't told Sam that she's pregnant. It's not something she wants to tell him over the phone. To impersonal. She wants to tell him in person. She wants to see his reaction. Actually with her already showing, there will be no telling he'll see for himself that she's pregnant.

Sams mom had came over to help Donna get settled back in. She was beyond ecstatic about the new baby. Donna had asked her if she thought it was to soon after loosing the other baby. She said it's up to fate. Fate decided y'all needed this. They had gotten real close since the accident. Since Donna's mom still wasn't in the picture, Vivian has stepped up not only to be her mother in law, but also a mother figure for Donna to look up too.

Vivian took Sophie for the afternoon. Shayla is still a mammas girl. If not necessary, she does not leave Donna's side. Donna had quit nursing but Shayla still likes cuddling into her mother chest when falling asleep. It's something she's done for 15 months. Old habits die hard. Donna didn't want for the cuddles to stop. That meant her baby was growing up. Sophie is not a big cuddler anymore. She's always on the go. 

Donna sat on the couch holding Shayla while she slept. Again she felt guilty for being pregnant and Shayla's still a baby herself. But by the time the new baby gets her, she'll be older and maybe not be so attached to Donna. Donna could help but smile. She was truly happy to be pregnant again.

Sams flight was due in early afternoon. Mid July in New York. Donna headed into the city that morning to pick up a few things. Ms Betty sat with the girls. Donna picked up a few prescriptions. Shayla had an ear infection. It was one thing or another with her. Donna would definitely take ear infections, strep throat or the flu over cancer any day. She stopped by the grocery store to pick up stuff for dinner.

She got home changed the girls and had the driver take them to the airport to meet Sam. Actually surprise Sam. He didn't know they were back in the city.

Donna could see that his flight had landed. She was holding Shayla and Sophie stood by her side with her arm wrapped around Donna's leg.

A sea of people came flooding out of the gate. She suddenly saw Sam. Her heart began to race. He was dressed in jeans, a pullover Polo and a 5 o'clock shadow. Looking sexy as hell. He was on the phone and didn't notice her.

Sophie spotted her daddy and took off running before Donna could grab her. Shayla saw Sophie and wiggled down out of Donna's arms and started running after her sister.

Sophie crashed into Sams legs causing him to drop his briefcase. He lifted her up and looked around. People were blocking Donna but another tiny little princess crashed into his leg also. He picked her up. He squeezed both girls tight. Kissing both their cheeks.

'Oh daddy missed his girls!! Where's your mommy? I've missed her too.' He asked and Sophie pointed at Donna standing a few feet away.

'Mommy got Baby' Sophie said as Donna stepped into view.

He smiled at the sighting he's sexy wife. She was glowing. They started to walk towards each other. Sam finally noticed the baby bump and it registered whAt Sophie had said. A huge grin spread across his face as he and Donna finally were standing face to face. Shayla reached out for Donna. Sams free hand was now placed on Donna's belly.

'Hi' She said with a shy smile.

'Hey yourself.' They shared a tender kiss. 'I missed you.' He said before giving her another kiss.

'I missed you too.' She touched his face.

'So, who knocked you up?' He said causing her to giggle.

'This really hot architect with these to die for blue eyes and the most devilish sexy smile that makes my heart flutter.'

'Sounds like an awesome guy.'

'He's alright.' Sam grabbed his heart. 'But he does have some good genes. We've already made two beautiful princess hopefully our prince will be just as dashing as his father.'

'It's a boy?' He asked excited.

'It was an early prediction on my last sonogram. We don't know for sure until I'm about 20 weeks.'

'Why didn't you tell me? How far along are you?'

'I didn't want to tell you over the phone. I wanted to tell you in person to surprise you.

'I'm definitely surprised! And so happy!' He kissed her again.

'I'm almost 16 weeks. Due end of December beginning of January. But with our kids, they come when they choose.'

His hand was still on her stomach. A rush of people passing by. The little family was so happy to be back together. And Sam was so stoked to be having another baby with his sexy wife. And that baby possibly being a boy. Sam hopes that early sonogram was right. If so, then their little family would be complete.

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