Chap 112

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Everyone had gathered their families along a section of beach. Not many little kids, more young school aged and teenagers. Sophie and Shayla were the only two little ones there except for a cute little auburn hair, blue eyed little girl who looked to be Sophie's age or a year older.

Donna was sitting in the sand playing with the girls while Sam sat up at the picnic tables with the guys.

The little girl came walking over and started to play with Sophie. Shayla had crawled up in Donna's lap getting tired.

The girls played for hours before a tall leggy red head walked over and took a seat by Donna.

'Hi, I'm Stephanie.' She held out her hand to Donna.

'Hi I'm Donna. Sams wife.' The ladies eyes got big.

'Oh, he's married now?'

'Yea, a little over two years now.'

'Well congratulations. How did you land Carmichael?'

'Umm, what do you mean?'

'Oh sweetheart, he's always been a ladies man. He'd bring a different girl up here every Summer.'


'Yea, he and I met up here about 5 years ago. He had Lorraine with him but she was a stiff bitch and stayed in the house most the time.'

'Yea, I know all about Lorraine. She's still a thorn in his side.'

'So how did you get him to settle down?'

Donna looks up the beach at Sam laughing and talking with the guys. A few girls have taken their chairs up to sit around the guys. One girl sitting to close to Sam.

'Um.. well he got me pregnant and our daughter almost died from cancer.'

'Oh shit girl, I'm sorry.'

'No it's ok. She's fine. She's been in remission for over a year now. And this one here.' She motion down at a sleeping Shayla 'Has no cancerous cells in her body.'

'Wow that's great!'

'Yep, it was one tough year and that's what brought Sam and I back together. We meet in Greece a few summers ago.'

'Oh, your the Donna from Greece.'

'Ok, why when everyone meets me they always say 'oh your the one from Greece.'

'Because sweetheart, you were all Sam talked about for months.'

As if on cue Sam walked up and took a seat by Donna kissing her cheek.

'Hey Stephanie. How have you been?' He kissed Shayla's head.

'I'm Good, I see you finally settled down. Got yourself a little family now.' She motioned to Donna and the girls.

'Yep, gave up that bachelor life for the ol ball and chain life.'

Donna knitted her brow and cut her eyes over at him.

'Oh I'm sorry to have tied you down. You see Mr Carmichael, if I do recall, you are the one who asked me to marry you and I'm pretty sure I was a bit reluctant to say yes.'

'But you finally did.' He kissed her softly.

'Yes and ruining your 'ladies man' status.' She gave him the eye.

'What have you two been talking about to get her all riled up?'

'Just all summers we all have spent up here.'

'Oh..' He looked out over the water. Donna took notice.

The little red head ran up to Stephanie.'Mommy Mommy..' Sams head jerked in her direction. Again Donna took notice of Sams reaction. 'Can Sophie and I go over there and get some more water for our castle?'

'Oh Sami baby, I don't think so, not by yourselves.'

Donna looked at Sam. 'Besides Sophie can't swim yet.' Donna said still watching Sams reaction.

Stephanie gets up. 'I'll go with y'all, if that's ok?' Donna shook her head yes. 'It was nice meeting you.'

'Yea, the same.'

Sam watched as they walked away. Donna stared at him. He finally made eye contact with her.

'You're probably thinking the same thing I'm thinking at the moment. And honestly, I don't like what I'm thinking and I pray to God it isn't true.'

'What were you two taking about?'

'You and how you were a ladies man bringing a different girl up here every Summer.' He looked down. 'So you've sleep with Stephanie and that's why you're freaking out about her daughter possibly being yours?'

Sam swallowed hard as Donna struggled to get up with her belly and holding Shayla.

'Where are you going?' He asked still seated in the sand.

'Up to the house. Watch your daughter please.' She said and he watched her walk away until she faded out of sight.

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