Chap 94

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They arrived at the little glamping site. The tent was laid out more like a hotel room. The fabric enclosure gave it the camping feel. After getting up early to catch their flight, the bed was very inviting to Donna. She has been so tired lately. Despite the exhausting satisfying sex, Donna just couldn't stay asleep all night. Sam seemed to be the only one able to sleep these days. Even the girls were restless on some nights.

'Do these things have heat?' Sam laughed at her question. 'Because it gets chilly at night here. I hope you brought some extra blankets because you know how I hate to be cold and you know I will put my cold feet on you.'

'Don't worry sweetheart, I'll keep you warm.' He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She laid back on the bed covering her face with her hands. 'Don't you get enough of that at home. Gotta have it on vacation to?'

He looked offended. 'Um, yeah I do need that! Its freaking Valentines Day so I'm definitely getting me some of that!'

She sat up and shook her head. 'Sex freak.'

'You're one to talk.' He walked outside the tent to grab the rest of their things.

Sam went to explore them surrounding area. Donna  stayed back to unpack their things and get settled in for their stay. She laid down for what she thought was a second ended up being more like a hour or so because Sam was shaking her awake.

'Hey babe, you ok?'

'Yes, I only  laid down for a second.'

'I've been gone for like a hour and a half.'

Oh, well I guess I just needed a nap.' She sat up. 'So what did find around her?'

'Hot tub, hiking trails.. a little local restaurant. A little general store all within walking distance.

Sam climbed up on the bed beside her. He grabbed his lap top and googled things to do in Michigan.

She lead up against him her head on his chest. She closed her eyes. She could here the sound of his fingers tapping on the computer keys.

'Holy shit' Sam said out loud.

'What?' She didn't open her eyes. But her eyes flew open with what sounded like the sound of people having sex. 'Are you freaking watching porn?'

She lifted her head and focused on the video playing on Sams computer. Her eyes grew big and she put her hand over her mouth.

The video was dark and not in clear focus, and you couldn't make out who the people were in the video, but you could definitely hear the sounds of sexual pleasure.

'Omg God Sam! That's us!' She looked horrified. 'Someone was freaking recording us having sex New Years Eve!' She all of the sudden felt sick to her stomach.

'Damn we look hot.'

She looked at him mortified. 'Really, that's all you can say is 'we looked hot' There is a freaking video of us having sex floating around the internet!'

'You can't tell it's us.'

'Oh my god, ok so you can't tell it's us. But whoever that was watching and recording knows it is us.' 

'It's not going to ruin us. No names and no faces can be seen or heard.'

'How are you so freaking calm?' She grabs her mouth a runs for the bathroom.

'It's gotten over 5 thousand views in the last 24 hours. Damn, that's a lot people who like watching people have sex.' He started to laugh. 'He, we've got our own sex tap scandal!'

'Well thank God you can't tell it's us and the piano is blocking my freaking bare ass!' She said as she came out of the bathroom and sat back down on the bed.

'One comment says. 'She can ride me like that all night long too' He raised his eyebrow. 'I do sometimes get the pleasure of being ridden all night long.'

She slapped his arm. She scooted up next to him. Reading some of the comments. Somewhere down right disgusting, some were flattering.

'Are you ok? You look at little pale.'

'Yes I'm fine, I mean we just found a freaking video online of us having sex. I mean that's got me wigged out just a little bit!'

Donna needed to step out for a minute trying to comes to terms with the video online of her and Sam having sex. She walked to the little store. She could shake the funk that seemed to follow her here on this trip. So she had went to the store to buy some things to try and make her feel better.

She was sitting in the bathroom with her face in her hands crying. The white stick that sat on the counter next two her had 2 bright pink lines which meant.. she's pregnant.

She had thought that was her problem and that's what prompted her to buy the pregnancy test. She just didn't want it to be reality because Shayla is still a baby herself, she still nursed and she was not mentally prepared to be a mother of 3, two of which would be babies.

She thought back to Christmas. It had to have been then. She knew she missed a few pills dealing with two sick girls and she knew they had a lot of sex. So that would make her make 8 or 9 weeks pregnant.

Sam knocked on the door but didn't wait for her to answer.

'Sweetheart, are you alright?'

She looked up at him with her tear stained face. He glanced at the stick on the counter and back at her.

She gave him a weak smile. 'Happy Valentines Day. I'm pregnant.'

A huge grin spread across his lips.

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