Chap 57

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Donna sat nervously in the waiting room. Thoughts of something being wrong we're running through her head.

'Mrs. Carmichael?' Donna jumped  when the nurse called her name.

Donna sat in the exam table. She bit her bottom lip. The nurse said her blood pressure was elevated. Which isn't good for a pregnant lady about to give birth.

The door opened and the doctor walked in with Donna's chart.

'You're husband didn't come with you today?'

'Um, not he just got home from a business trip in the States. He's home watching our daughter.'

'Ahh.. I see. She's got to be a busy little girl now. What is she 2?'

Donna relax thinking about Sophie 'Yes, she turned 2 last month. And she is also now cancer free!'

'That's wonderful news.' He flips through her chart. 'So What brings you here today?'

'Well I had been having Braxton Hicks, now I think it's more. They are more stronger and are lasting a little longer.'

'Hmm.. have you..'

'I've been under extreme stress. With my daughter and then my husband being away.'

'Sounds like you need some bed rest. You may send yourself into nearly labor if you don't slow down.' Donne looked worried. 'But let's take a look and see how the baby is doing.'

Donna sat back up after the examination and ultrasound.

'Well the baby looks fine. You have dilated about 2 centimeters.' Donna looked panic. 'But that's normal at this stage of your pregnancy. You can stay at 2 centimeters for weeks.'

'So bedrest, no stress, take it easy. And she'll be ok.?' The doctor nodded. 'Thank you doctor. I feel so much better now.'

'Remember, no stress. Keep your blood pressure down.'

Donna walked up the stairs and stopped at Sophie's door when she heard Sam talking.

'And the beautiful princess that live in the castle beside the sea had the most beautiful queen mommy. And the most handsome king daddy.' Donna stiffed back a laugh. 'Well the beautiful princess was going to be a big sister. Queen mommy was having a baby.'

'Sissy' Sophie said.

'Yep your little sister. And king daddy was super excited, but really scared. Cause now he would have 3 beautiful maidens he would have to protect from all those mean dragons.. So..' Donna stepped into the door way leaning against the door frame. Sam noticed her and wrapped his little story because he was embarrassed. 'The beautiful princess, her baby princess sister, queen mommy and king daddy lived happily ever after.' He kissed her 'ok princess, time for your nap.'

Donna stepped back so Sophie couldn't see her. Sam walked out and closed the door behind him.

'Why did you stop? I was enjoying your little story about all the mean dragons and king daddy having to protect his maidens'

'Ha ha.' He kissed her. 'How did your appointment go?'

'Good.' He noticed her biting her lip.

'What aren't you telling me?' He put his hands her waist.

'Well, it wasn't just a regular check up. I have been having contractions.'

'What? Why didn't you tell me?'

'Because I knew would freak out, like your doing right now. And I didn't want you to make such a big fuss over it.'

'So what did the doctor say?'

'Best rest, no stress and take it easy. Oh.. and I'm already 2 centimeters dilated.'

'Nope. Not going to have this baby early.' He scooped her up in his arms. 'Off to bed you go too. Don't you dare lift a finger. I will do everything from now on!'

She wrapped her arms around his neck. 'Do I get a bedtime story too?' She leaned forward and gave him a kiss. He cut his eyes at her as he carried off to their bedroom.

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