Chap 68

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Donna sat her glass back down on the table.

'Mother? What are you doing here? Don't you have a show tonight?' Donna said coldly.

'Um, no I actually took a few days off.' She held up Donna's letter. 'I got your letter.' Donna looked over at Sam.

'How did you know I was in New York?' Donna asked.

'Would you like to have a seat?' Sams brother asked.

'No, she's not staying.' Donna interjected.

'Donna can I talk to you for a moment?'

'I'm kinda in the middle of dinner with my family.' No one at the table said a word.

'mommy' Sophie tugged on Donna's arm. 'i tired'

'She looks just like you did when you were that age.' Donna didn't say anything.

Feeling a little uncomfortable. 'Honey, please just go talk to her.'

'Sam, she left me. She disowned me.'

'You sent her the letter.'

'Yea not ever imaging she'd show up out of the blue.' Sam gave her a look. She looked at her mother 'you have 5 minutes.'

Donna excused herself. Sophie called out for Donna. Sam pulled her back distracting her.

They walked out to the patio of the side of the restaurant. They stood in silence for a seconds.

'You look beautiful darling.' Donna didn't look at her. '

Donna finally looked at her. 'What are you doing here?'

'I made a mistake.'

'Yea, but it was the best thing to happen to me. You left me with nothing and now I have everything. I have the man of my dreams, we have two beautiful daughters, I now have a family.' Ruby noticed the ring on Donna's finger.

'Donna please.. I want to make up for my mistake. I want to start over. I want you to be a part of my life..'

'It's about 3 years to late. Do you know what I have been through? You granddaughter just fought and kicked cancers ass. Shayla was four weeks early because I went into premature labor. Sam had to deliver her.' Sam walked up to them with the girls. 'You leaving, only made me stronger and it made me the person I am today.

'Mommy' Sophie leaned against Donna's leg. She was holding her blankie.

'They are so beautiful.' Sophie hid behind Donna's leg and Sam handed Shayla to Donna.

'We need to leave. I can't do this right now. She's getting hungry and Sophie's getting tired.' Sam picked up Sophie.

Donna walked off. Sam touched Ruby's arm.

'Just give her time. It's a lot for her to process right now.' She smiled at Sam.

'Take care of my girls.'

'Always' Sam said as he walked away to catch up to Donna.

The ride home was quite. The girls fell asleep. Donna just stared out the window processing tonight's events. Sam put his hand of her thigh. She looked over at him smiled. She put her hand on his.

'I love you.' He said.

Donna let the tears she had been holding back start to fall down her cheeks. Sam pulled her close. He held her the rest of the way home.

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