Chap 20

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Sam wanted to give Donna space so he went into the city for a few days to catch up on his work. He was very reluctant to leave but Donna insisted. She was having a hard time controlling her feelings around him and she thought it best he not be around if she was trying to sort her feelings out.

Sam sat in his office thinking about the last couple of days and how Donna reacted when he told her that he still loved her. He could see in her eyes that she loved him to but she's to stubborn to admit it right now.

A knock on his office door brought him out of his thoughts.

'Come in!' Not looking up.

'Samuel!' Sams head shot up at the awful voice of his worst nightmare entering his office.

'Lorraine, what are you doing here?'

'I heard you were beck in town and I just wanted to come see your handsome face.' She stepped around to the side of his desk.

He stood and made his way around to the other side of his desk away from her.

'I've been back for a few days. I've been very busy with work and sitting up at the hospital.'

'Hospital? Who's sick? Is your dear mother ok?' Trying to sound concerned.

'My mother is fine.'

'Then who is hospitalized?'

A picture on Sams desk caught her eye. She picked it up and frowned at the sight of the chubby cheek beautiful blue baby girl smiling. She looked up at Sam.

'Who the hell is this?'

'My daughter.' He said a matter of factly.

'How did you find out.. I thought I got rid of that letter..' she said quietly but loud enough for Sam to here.

'Excuse me?' He took a step toward her. 'What did you just say.

Stuttering 'I didn't say anything.'

'You freaking got that letter and read it before I could. You Bitch!' He was now in her face. 'How dare you read my mail and how dare you keep something as important as knowing that I had a child.'

'We we're trying for a baby. Why would I want you to know that another woman had your child while we were trying to have a child ourselves. That bitch wrecked our relationship.'

'There was no relationship to wreck. I married you out of convenience. And you knew I didn't love you. You knew I was still in love with Donna. You only wanted to still marry me because of my money. Something Donna cares nothing about. She doesn't know just how freaking rich I am right now.'

'Did you bring her back to New York with you?'

'Yes as a matter of fact I did and our daughter Sophie. Although it's not a real fairy tale right now.'

'Aw poor Sam, is your piercing blue and devilish charm not working on the little slut this time.'

'Don't you darn call her a slut and it's none of your business why she's here.'

Sams cellphone began to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket opening it when he saw that it was a hospital number.

'Hello?' He sounded nervous.

'Um Sam..' Donna sounded as if she had been crying. 'Last week when they did the bone marrow biopsy to triple check that everything was ready for transplant. They noticed that her counts were dropping so they wanted to check it again. Come to find out, the leukemia showed back up in her bone marrow. So now, her transplant surgery is postponed and she will have to start another round of chemo.' she started crying.

'Donna darling Sophie's going to be ok. Just hang on. I'm on my way back up to the hospital right now.'

She continued talking and he listened as he walked out the door. Leaving Lorraine dumbfound.

'If they can get her back in remission after this round then we can move forward with transplant. They moved Sophie down to PICU and will probably keep her down there for a few days. They want to monitor. She cant have any visitors until her counts go back up.'

'We can stay at the apartment. That's why I am renting it.'

'But Sam I've never left her. She'll be scared without me.'

'No she'll be fine. I'm sure she will be sedated or at least a little groggy.'

'Please just hurry and get here. I need you ..'

Sam hung up the phone before jumping into the car and telling his driver to drive as fast as he could even if it meant breaking the law. He had to get back to the woman he loved and the baby they created out of that love.

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