Chap 105

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Donna and the girls had been in Kalokairi for about 2 weeks. She got reacquainted with the island and her staff. She had brought along Ms Betty for help. She told the older woman all about the island and how wonderful all the people are. She had been a big help to Donna while she tried to figure all the new hotel stuff she had missed while she was gone.

Donna had her long walks along the beach to clear her head and think about her life and how crazy it had gotten. She and the girls sat on the beach some days from sun up to sun down playing in the water. She was happy but she missed Sam. He should be here with them.

Donna sat on the balcony with Shayla like she did with Sophie on her first birthday.

Donna thought back over last year of Shayla's life. Her thunder cracking birth being delivered by Sam in the middle of a horrible rain storm. Unlike Sophie, there was someone there to share Shayla's first with. The first time she rolled over from her tummy to her back. Sam was down on the floor trying to show her how to do it was quite humorous. The first time she slept all night causing Sam to freak out when it was morning and she hadn't woke them up. It was Donna's best night of sleep ever. When she cut her first tooth, it was Sams shoulder she had bit down on. The mushed banana's Shayla spit back at him and he wore to work on morning on his tie. Donna was glad that Sam had been there for all of Shayla's first. She teared up because he wasn't going to be here for the most important day of her firsts, her birthday.

They hotel staff, Ms. Betty and Donna were running around preparing and decorating for the days festivities. Sophie was trying to help, but kept getting in the way.

'Oh, I wish your daddy was here to keep you occupied!' She handed her a coloring book and crayons. 'Go sit over there and color sissy a pretty princess picture.' Sophie ran off finding a nice spot on the gobble stone ground to color.

Shayla was up in hers and Sophie's room napping. Cutting teeth and turning one was not a good combo. She had been fussy all morning. Donna was frazzled. She needed Sam and Sam should be here for his daughters first birthday.

Donna's cellphone rang. She heard it but couldn't find it. Following the sound of the ring, she found it buried under party decorations.

'Hello?' She answered of out breath.

'Hey sweetheart!' Said a cheerful Sam 'Are you ok.? You sound out of breath.'

'Well, I've been decorating all afternoon, your daughter keeps trying to help, but only makes a bigger mess and I have to clean it up before I can fix it up. And your youngest daughter, you know the birthday girl, is teething and has been fussy all morning. I finally got her down for a nap before the party.' She put her hand in her hip.

Sam could tell she was very frustrated and frustrated at him.

'So, has the bachelor life been for ya?' She said kinda pissed.

'Uh well, lonely.'

'Good, when do you get back from Miami?'

'On Friday.'

'And.. when are you coming to see the girls.. and I'

'I'm not sure. I have been called to go run a project in Sweden for 8 weeks.' He was ready for her to explode.

'Sweden?! For 8 weeks? Two months!! Really Sam. They know you have a family now right?! And I mean I know I said I needed space and to come here to try and get my head back together. But shit.. 8 weeks?! I guess we won't be seeing you as much as I thought we would.'

'I'm sorry. I know this is going to be tough..'

'Tough is an understatement.' She hears Shayla. 'I gotta go the baby is waking up'

'I love you.' He said.

'Yeah, love you too.' She said aggravated.

She went upstairs to get Shayla with Sophie on her heels. She heard Shayla giggle and then heard a voice. She stopped and yanked Sophie back. She was scared, but then got an adrenaline rush. That's my baby in there.

She picked up the pace to the girls room. She flung the door open ready to bounce on the intruder.

'Sam!' She screamed as she ran to him crashing her lips in his. 'What are you going here? I mean I just hung up.. wait, I couldn't have heard Shayla from where I was downstairs. I must have heard her through your phone.' He smiled.

'I couldn't miss my baby girls first birthday. Not to mention, I was missing mommy in daddy's bed.' He winked at Donna.

Sophie was hugging Sams leg. 'Daddy hold me too.' Sophie held her arms up. He kissed both their cheeks. He leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Donna's lips.

'How about we get this party started?' He said leading the way down stairs to the party area.

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