Chap 27

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The next morning Donna woke up to the ringing of a phone. Her head was pounding. To much alcohol again she thought to herself. She tried to sit up but Sam's heavy arm was draped across her body.

'Oh God, please tell me we didn't have sex again.' She thought out loud as she rubbed her head. She sat up pushing his arm off her. She looked down relieved that she was wearing her night shirt. But that doesn't mean they didn't do anything last night. 'Oh God' She rubbed her temples.

The phone continued to ring. Her phone was not on the nightstand. She got up following the sound of the phone. It was coming from the pocket of Sams jeans that were lying across the chair at her make up vanity.

She pulled the phone out of his pocket and noticed the number was the hospital.

Quickly answering it 'Hello?'

'Mrs. Carmichael?' Donna was taken back. 'Actually its Ms Sheridan.' She corrected the young nurse. 'Is Sophie ok? Please tell me my daughter is ok.' She got scared thinking something might had happened to her baby girl.

'Yes ma'am Ms. Sheridan Sophie is just fine. We actually have been trying to call you. Her levels are starting to come down and the doctor said hopefully by this evening she can have visitors again.'

'Oh wow.. that is such great news. I can't wait to see my baby. I have missed her. Thank you! Please call me as soon as the doctor gives the ok!'

'Yes ma'am we will!' The nurse hung up the phone.

'Who was that?' Sam rubbed his eyes sitting up and could see Donna was happy.

'Sophie's levels are getting back to normal and we will be able to see her later on today if she continues to approve!'

She ran over to the bed jumping on him hugging him. He was caught of guard and fell back with her landing on top of him.

Wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tight. 'Thats wonderful!'  He kissed her forehead.

A few moments a little awkwardness filled the room at the closeness of their bodies.

She quickly rolled off of him. 'Uh.. we didn't have sex last night did we?' I mean my head was pounding this morning when I woke up. So I know I drank way to much. And if the empty pizza boxe and beer bottles all over the floor is any indication on how the night went.' She bit her bottom lip nervously.

'I can't say that you didn't try and get me in bed.' She looked mortified. 'But no, we didn't.' He pouted.

'My God you got me acting like a freaking little school girl with all these raging hormones!'

'If it makes you feel better. As soon as we laid down, you passed out.' She was somewhat relieved. 'Another case of you not being able to handle your alcohol again.' He started running his hand up her thigh and up under her nightshirt. 'But we can pick up here you left off last night.' She jumped at his touch on her thigh.

She pushed his hand away feeling a little flustered. 'Um nope.. Im good!' He shrugged as if to say 'your loss'

'Oh, my mom called last night and ask if we'd like to have lunch with her around 1ish today. Are you up for it?'

Nervous 'Un yeah I guess. I just want to make sure if the hospital calls about Sophie that I can get there  right away.'

'Oh, absolutely!' He said getting up to go get himself some coffee. 'You go ahead and take a shower. I'll get you something for that headache' she smiled as she watched him walk out of the room.

They met up with his mother at a little diner down in the city. His mother could tell there was a little sexual tension between the two just by watching their body language. Donna excused herself to go to the restroom.

'Son your sleeping with her.' Sam swallowed his drink hard causing him to start coughing. He looked at his mother wide eyed. 'You better not break her heart this time. She's still so young and very emotional right now.'

'I have not intentions of hurting her. And the sex was consensual. She may have been a little tipsy the first time. But she initiated it.'

His mother about choked on her wine. 'The first time?! Sam son, please don't take advantage of her she's worrying about Sophie and her emotions are all over the place right now.'

'Mom, I'm not taking advantage of her! I'd never do that! I'm just waiting on her. Mom, I love her. And we have Sophie. I want to spend the rest of my life with her and you know that. You have always encouraged me to follow my heart. Well I am. I just wish Donna's heart was following mine.'

'Son you've hurt her. I'm sure she'll come around eventually. You just have to give her time. Not many girls would go back to that one guy that broke their heart.'

'But we have Sophie. Will be together for Sophie's sake.'

'Just because you have a child together don't mean you'll be together.' She placed a comforting hand on her sons.

Donna walked up to table noticing a little tension between mom and son. 'Did I miss something?'

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