Chap 40

590 22 5

Sophie spent 2 weeks in the hospital. It was long and tiring for Donna who spent most days and nights sitting with Sophie. They were wanting to make sure her lungs were clear so she wouldn't have a reoccurrence of pneumonia.

Today Donna also has an appointment to find out what she's having. Donna was running around the small apartment packing back up everything they had brought with them from the penthouse.

Sam was on the phone talking with the doctors and making Sophie's upcoming appointments and getting prescription refilled. Just getting everything ready for her discharge.

'What time is your appointment today?'  Sam asked looking at his watch.

'It's at 2. I'm hoping Sophie's discharge won't take all morning so we can go home and relax, grab lunch maybe before the appointment.'

'I'm really hoping it's a boy. I feel out numbered' He smiled.

'I just want it to be healthy. I don't think I can deal with another sick kid.'

'That is true. A boy would complete our little family.'

'So you wouldn't want anymore kids if we have a boy?' She asked because she would like a few kids.

'Well I mean.. I wouldn't mind another one. I just don't want a little soccer team running around the house.'

'Well me neither cause I'd have to be the one to carry them all.' She stopped packing. 'What if it's another girl?'

'Then we will try for a boy. But I'm pretty sure it's a boy.' He place his hand in her baby bump as the baby kicked. 'See even he's sure he's a boy!'

They all walked in the penthouse after a long lengthy discharge.

'My God sometimes I feel those nurses think I'm a complete idiot! I know not to take Sophie out in the cold weather, I know not to have her in large crowds right now.' She sat down on the couch with Sophie who the nurses insisted on wearing a medical mask to prevent further infection.

Donna took the mask off. 'Now mommy can see that pretty smile.' Sophie did smile at Donna and laid her head on her shoulder.

'Someone acts a little tired. How about you two
go take a little nap before your appointment.'

'Are you trying to say I'm being a bitch?' She got up and headed the the bedroom.

'No, I was talking about Sophie. But since you mention it...'

'Really Sam, you try being 5 months pregnant, your daughter is in and out of the hospital and you got people telling you to do this and do that. I'm trying to plan our wedding. You keep getting called into the office when your supposed to be off.. I'm aloud to bitch if I damn well please!' She slammed the bedroom door.

A few hours later Sam slowly opened the door to the bedroom where Donna and Sophie were sleeping. He sat down next to Donna and kissed her cheek.

'Hey babe, you need to get up and get ready for you appointment.'

Donna opened her eyes. 'What time is it?'

'It's 1 and you and Sophie need to get some quick lunch.' Hearing her name Sophie popped her head up looking her parents with a big two front teeth, two bottom teeth grin.

Sam reaches over Donna to grab Sophie. 'I'll feed her while you get dressed.

They walked into the doctors office 5 mins to 2.

'I have a 2 o'clock appointment.'

'Yes ma'am just sign in and have a seat.'

People were staring because Sophie was wearing her medical mask.

'Are people that idiotic that they have to stare!' Donna glared at the young woman that was starting at them.

After only few minutes the nurse called them back.

They walked into the ultrasound exam room. The doctor walked in a few minutes after they did.

'You ready to see what you're having?' He tickled Sophie's tummy. 'You want a baby brother or sister?' She just smiled and buried her face in Sam's chest. She became shy all of the sudden. She had been talking up a storm in the waiting room.

He started scanning her belly. He took notes, taking measurement, checking to make sure everything was on track and looked good.

'You wanna know what your having?' Donna and Sam both nodded yes. Placing the probe over the image of the baby. 'It looks like your having..
another girl! And she looks perfect.'

Donna was beaming. She looked up at Sam who looked disappointment.

The doctor handed them the ultrasound pictures and told Donna he'd see her at her next appointment.

'You're disappointed.' She said looking at Sam.

'No I'm excited really I am.'

'Well your face sure didn't show it when he said it was a girl.'

'I just surely thought it was a boy, that's all.' He gave her a mischievous grin. 'We'll just have to keep trying until I get me a son.'

He kissed her cheek and tried his best to feel happy. He truly was disappointed but was just glad that everything looked great and the baby was healthy.

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