Chap 62

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By the end of the week the little family of 4 boarded the fairy to the mainland. Donna and Shayla both had follow up appointments. The baby was doing so well with her feedings and sleeping. Taking care of Shayla seemed to be so much more easier than Sophie. Maybe it was because it was her second baby or maybe it because she has Sam this time around. Sam was a very hands on dad when he could be. With both girls. She only wished they could turn back time and he had been there when Sophie was born. Damn fate screwed them up back then.

They walked hand in hand into the hospital. Sam was holding Sophie and Donna was holding Shayla. People would stare at the happy little family. A few people that knew Donna stopped and chatted with her. Giving them their congratulations.

Donna and Sam rounded the corner to the pediatricians office and ran face to face into a guy that had basically stalked Donna a few years ago. She had told him on many different occasions that she was not interested. But he kept making unwanted advances.

Donna stiffen and Sam took notice. She squeezed his hand.

'What is it?' He asked her concerned.

'Um, nothing.' She tried to cover.

'Well hello there Ms. Sheridan. It's been a long time.'

'It's Mrs. Carmichael. And it hasn't been long enough.' She stepped around him 'If you'll excuse me.'

Sam looked back at the guy and the guy gave him a smug grin. Sam looked at Donna and could tell she was shaken by the encounter.

'Who was that?'

'No one that needs to be of any concern.'

Sam held the door open at the pediatricians office. Donna walked in followed by Sam. She had sign both girls in. Sophie seemed to be congested and with the new baby, they wanted her to get checked out. They sat over in the corner.

'So, that guy.'

'Sam, would you drop it. He's nobody.'

'He didn't act like a nobody. He acted like he knew you.'

'Ok damn since your not going to let it go. Sophie was about nine months and the Dynamos wanted to take me out for the night since I hadn't been out since you left and I found out I was pregnant.'
Sam listened intently holding his hand out as Sophie took the goldfish he had dumped in his hand for her to snack on.

'They took me to this bar here on the mainland. He kept making eyes at me and then he had the nerve to make at pass me.' You could see Sams eyes get dark with anger. 'He was drunk, I was not. He grabbed my ass and I slapped the shit out of him. He was waiting on me outside of the bar later..'

'God I wish I had never have left you!'

'Honey we cant go back. Yes in an ideal world we would have been married with 5 kids and 2 dogs..a goldfish..'

'How are you so calm about it.'

'Sam, it's over her can't hurt me. I slapped a 6 month restraining order against him because..' she stopped and looked away.

'I'll kill him now..'

'He tried to force himself on me. But between the three of us girls. We knocked him out cold and Tanya stole his wallet so we could get all his info to take to the police.'

Sam excused himself to go use the bathroom. While he was gone they called Donna back. Crap she thought. Luckily the nurse came out and helped her with the girls.

'My husband should be back shortly. He just went to the restroom.'

'Ok, we'll bring him back when he comes back.'

After about 10 minutes Sam walks in the exam room takes a seat next to Donna pulling Sophie in his lap.

'You ok' She looked over at him.

'Oh yeah, I'm fine.' He said kissing Sophie's head.

The pediatrician said the girls are perfect. They put Sophie on an antibiotic for percussion.

Sam had his arm around Donnas shoulder as they walked passed the waiting area. Donna looked over and saw the guy they had run into early holding his face. He turned to look at them and she could see the side of his face was swollen. Busted lip and his eye was completely swollen shut. Donna looked up at Sam and he just shrugged his shoulders. She looked down at his hand. It to was red and swollen.

'You didn't'  She said looking up at him.

He smiled 'Just slaying those dragons.'

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