Chap 117

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Sam found Donna a little way down the beach sitting in the staring out over the ocean.

'I thought you might could you this.' He handed her an ice pack. Her hand was red and swollen.

'Thanks.' She looked up at him. 'I'm sorry.'

'Sorry for what?'

'For punching that girl.' She looked down at her swollen hand.

'Honey, you know I'd never..' He sat down beside her. He grabbed her hand and held the ice pack on her swollen hand.

'I know you wouldn't. Besides I heard the whole conversation.'

'So shes one of those girl from my ladies man days. Obviously a little off hinged. She was always kind of stalkerish. She was asked to leave. No one likes her so I'm not even sure why she still tries and comes around.'

'Sam, what didn't you see in those girls that made you settle for me. I'm not from the same class of people you came from. I am far from it as a matter of fact.'

'Settle for you? No darling I didn't settle, I chose you. I don't like that stiff bitch type. You're a free spirit. You are everything they aren't. You love adventure, you love being spontaneous..'

'You chose me? Had I not called you about Sophie, would you have ever came back to the island? I hear all these stories that I was all you talked about. Yet you were divorced and you didn't come back. The way people talk I would have thought you'd be on the first flight to Greece before the ink dried on the divorce papers.'

'Donna, I didn't know what to do. You told me you never wanted to see me again. I didn't want to upset you. I loved you and if it meant I couldn't be with you then that was my punishment for hurting you.'

A few tears rolled down her cheeks.

They sat in silence. All you could hear was the sound of the waves crashing at the shoreline. A faint sound of loud music coming from the house parties.

She put her hand on her stomach. 'He kicked!' She grabbed Sams hand and put it on her belly where she felt the last kick. He kicked again.

'Wow that is still the most amazing feeling.' He kept his have on her stomach. 'And don't ever think I settled for you because we had a kid together. I love you and I will until the day I die. You have turned my world upside down.'

She leaned over and kissed his lips.

'Lets go, it's getting chilly out here.' He helped her up. 'I don't want you getting sick on me.'

They brushed the sand of their clothes and walked down the beach holding hands.

They were walking up the steps to the party when Donna felt a tug in her arm. She turned around and Amanda was standing there.

'Bitch' She drew her hand back to punch Donna but Sam stepped in front of her and he got knocked in the nose.

He grabbed his face. 'You freaking physco.'

'That bitch punched me first.'

Donna was trying to look at Sams nose. No blood.

'She's pregnant you crazy bitch!' Sam said still standing in front of Donna.

'Aww protecting your little slut.' Amanda mocked Sam for being protective.

Donna stepped around Sam. 'I can't fight my own battles.'

'Sweetheart stop. You're not putting our child's life in danger because of some deranged bitch.' He turned to Amanda 'Leave bitch, no one wants you here! I'm pretty sure you weren't even invited.'

Amanda glared at Donna and then back at Sam. Donna raised her hand and waved 'bye' as Amanda turned and stomped off.

A few of the girls had walked up to Donna.

'Thank you.' One of the girls said to Donna

'For what?'

'For punching her. I know it's something we've all wanted to do but never had the nerve to actually do it.'

'Sorry, I don't hold back. I'll fight for what's mine. I have never been known to back down. If i see a threat I'm going to remove the threat.' She looks at  all the girls. 'Sams my husband I'm not about to let some bitch ruin everything we have fault so hard for. We lost each other, we found each other, we almost lost our daughter, we did loose a son.. our love it worth fighting for and I'm not about to loose  him.'

She gave those girls a shuttle warning but not really directing it at them. Just making it known to everyone, she's not about to step aside and let anyone ruin their life.

She turned to Sam before walking up the steps to rejoin the party.

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