Chap 96

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They finally ventured out of the tent after lunch. Sam had them stopping along the trail like every 20 minutes for Donna to rest. She was getting a little frustrated but knew he was only being overprotective because she was pregnant. Had they not just found out, he'd have her jogging all up and down the nature trails it kicking her ass.

'You're freaking killing me ya know. It's not like this is my first pregnancy. I am able to still enjoy things, like walking, I have been doing that ALL my freaking life.'

'I'm sorry it's just that I don't want you to..'

'I'll let you know when I need to stop and rest, ok.' She placed a soft kiss on his lips.

They had been walking for over an hour. The sites they had seen were breath taking. The creeks, he held her hand as she carefully jumped over them to be able to continue on their walk. The mountains were ridged, the wild life starting to bloom. Michigan was a beautiful state. Lots of beautiful nature.

They came upon a hot spring. The hot steam was rising off the heated water. No signs saying they couldn't take a dip and relax.

Sam starts undressing 'Care to join me?'

'Oh my god you can't be serious? Anyone could walk by.' She crosses her arms. 'Nope not going to get caught having sex in a public place again.'

'Who said anything about having sex' She gives him a 'sure whatever' look. Sam climbs in with his briefs still on. 'Oh this feels so warm.'

Donna did have a slight chill giving her goosebumps. The air was cool and crisp. The spring was off in a secluded part of the trail. You did have to kind of walk off the path to see the spring.

'People honeymoon here. I'm sure this is here for a reason.' He dipped under the water. He came up and you could see the steam rising from his wet shoulders.

'I'll kill you if we get caught!' She stripped down to her sports bra and cheeky boy cut undies.

They floated around in the warm water. Enjoying the heated water on their cool skin. They made small talk. Donna was purposely staying way from Sam because she knows all to well what will happen if she gets to close to him.

The water in the spring was actually pretty clean and clear. You can see the steam bubbles in certain areas. The rock surrounding the water was in some parts smooth other parts rough.

Donna found a smooth rock and leaned up against it. Her arms resting on the outter edge of the rock wall. She laid her head back and let the warm heated water relax her.

Her peace was interrupted by a pair of cool wet lips on her neck just below her ear. How did she not hear him sneaking up on her she thought to herself.

'Sam' She said sternly. When he didn't stop she let out a loud sigh. 'Why do you always do this to me?' He continued his attack on her neck.

She tried to swim past him but he pushed her body back, pinning her body back against the smooth rock with his.

'No ma'am. Not gonna happen.' He kissed her lips.

Clothes were quickly tossed out of the water landing on the rocks around them.

Sam was grinding his hips against her. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Trying to keep him in her. Sex in water is tricky. It's a lot more work.

Sam now has his back against the smooth rock. She has his face in her hands and she is devouring his lips. His hands on her ass pushing her up against him.

A sound of sticks breaking makes Donna jump and hide her chest against Sams body sinking their bodies into the water.

'There's someone over there.' She turned her head.

'No there is not. You're just paranoid now. It was probably just an animal walking around.' He started sliding his hands up her back pulling her to him and hugging her body close to his.

'Let's go. It feels like its getting cooler and I don't want you getting sick.'

They climbed out of the water. Pulling on their dry clothes. He grabbed her hand and they head back to shower before dinner.

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