Chap 88

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The girls were both put on antibiotics. Sophie had started feeling better within 24 hours. Shayla seemed to get sicker. After a day or two of being cooped up in the house, Sam decided he'd take Sophie out and spend the day with her since she was feeling better. He wanted Sophie to get that 'daddy's girl' status back.

Donna laid in the bed with Shayla. She was burning up with fever. Donna had stripped her down to just her diaper. She tried to nurse her but she wouldn't have it. She tried to give her a sippy of water, she didn't want that either. Donna knew if she didn't stay hydrated they would have to admit her in the hospital and she'd have to have an IV.

Shayla's sickness was nothing like what Sophie had when they found out she had cancer. Shayla's sickness was different, but its still freaking Donna out.

She called Sam and told him she was taking Shayla back to the pediatricians office for her follow up since she hasn't gotten any better.

Donna walked into the crowded waiting room. She weaved in between kids as she walked up to the desk to sign in.

'Aww.. poor baby.' The nurse said as Shayla laid her head on Donna's shoulder holding her pink silk blanket.

'Yea, we can't seem to get her better. She can't shake this junk.' Donna kissed Shayla's head.

'I'm sure Dr. Del-Porta can get down to the bottom of it. She'll be back to her cute little self in no time.'

Donna took a seat in the corner away from the crowd of loud kids. Shayla acted hungry so she offered her some snacks and sippy of water. She wouldn't take them.

'Baby what it is?' She held her up to her face kissing her. 'Mamma just wants her baby girl to feel better.' Shayla put her warm cheek to Donna's. Donna rubbed her back trying to make her feel better.

She cradled Shayla in her arms draping her blanket on her for comfort. She began rocking her. Shayla turned her head towards Donna's chest. Donna unbutton her top and covered herself as Shayla tired nursing. Her congestion was making it hard for her to latch on. She couldn't breath out of her little nose. She finally settled and was able to nurse. Since they were a 'sick visit' they had to wait a little longer than usual. Which was good since Shayla was finally nursing.

They waited for over 30 minutes. When they finally called for Shayla she had fallen asleep. The doctor examined her. They wanted Donna to go ahead and take her to the ER. She was dehydrated and need some fluids to get her energy back. She also wants to have some blood draw to check for any other underlying sickness she may have. Donna freaked out. The doctor calmed her fears. This is nothing like when she had brought Sophie in. No need to worry. She has just got a bad cold the doctor reassured her.

Donna called Sam to let him know what was going on. He told her he'd drop Sophie off at his parents and he'd meet her at the hospital.

They called them back before Sam made it there. She informed the front desk lady that her husband should be there soon.

They had already drew blood and had started a fluid drip. Shayla was being a fussy little thing. She kept grabbing at the tubes and wires. The medical assistant tried to keep her entertained while taking her vitals. Donna tried putting her pacifier in her mouth but Shayla kept spitting it out because she could breath out of her nose. They had given her some Tylenol for her fever.

The ER doctor came in with results. He was young and he was cute.

'All of her bloodwork came back normal and looks good. Nothing out of the ordinary. Her white count is high, but that could be from the cold she's fighting. Continue the antibiotics so that will get rid of any infection she may have. Just keep doing what your going. If all she wants to do is nurse, then go ahead. Fluids are better than solids at this point.'

He hung around talking with Donna and he tickled the baby's tummy while finishing his evaluation. They both were laughing and smiling at his tactics to get Sophie to cooperate while her checked her out. He listened to her heart and was making funny noises.

Sam could hear all the laughing and talking going on from outside the room. He walked in just as the doctor touched Donna's arm sending her into a round of giggles. He was holding Shayla up as she stood on the exam table.

Sam became instantly jealous. He cleared his throat to make his presence known.

'Honey!' Donna said walking around to hug and give him a kiss.

Sam being Sam, kissed her longer and slid his hand down to rest on her butt. Donna gave him the eye cause she knew that was done out of jealousy.

The doctor handed Shayla over to Sam and said he'd be back to discharge them as soon as her IV finishes.

Sam watched as he walked out the door. He turned to Donna who had her hands on her hips.

'You are jealous!' She pointed at him.

'Well.. I walk in.. your laughing at his stupid jokes.' He walks over and puts a finger in her top and pulls it. 'You're tits are hanging out..' she grabs her shirt and buttons the button she had forgot.

'Ok so I forgot to button one button. My God Sam he's a freaking a pediatrician. He has to make the kids and parents feel comfortable when their child is sick.' She took Shayla from him. 'Besides, He's married. His wife is a nurse on the Peds floor over in Wolfson Children's Hospital.'

She sat in the rocking chair near the drip pole. Shayla snuggled up to Donna drifting off into a nap. Donna glared at Sam. He took a seat in the arm chair across from her.

'I'm sorry baby. You know how I get when a guy is around you..'

'Yeah, you become all possessive and shit. Gotta mark your territory.' She rolled her eyes. 'Ugh, men!' She closed her eyes and laid her head back.

Sam smiled. Damn she's so sexy when she's pissed.

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