Chap 119

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Donna and Shayla finally made their way down to the beach a little after lunchtime. They came baring gifts.. lunch.

Sam and Sophie were covered in sand. Donna sat Shayla down on the sand and she got up running directly toward the water. Her cheeks jiggling as her flat little feet hit the hard wet sand.

'Sam!' Donna yelled as Sam grabbed the little one around the waist lifting her in the air causing her to laugh out loud. He stood her back down on the sand and she ran towards Donna laughing the whole time until she ran into Donna's lap.

'You're going to give mommy a heart attack!' She began kissing the little ones cheeks sending her into a fit of giggles.

A shadow blocked the sun from shining down on the little area they were sitting.

Donna looked up and sighed. 'I'm really not in the mood for this shit.'

'Oh aren't those the cutest two little basters.'

Donna about flipped her shit. She handed Shayla to Sam.

'Honey don't. She's not worth it.' Taking the baby from Donna.

Donna stood up rather quickly getting in Amanda's face 'Listen here bitch. You can call me all the names in the book you want. But you cross the line when you start talking about my children!'

Sam stood up getting between the two woman.

'Sam you better call of your bitch before I..'

'Before you what?' Donna asked not backing down.

Sophie stood up and threw a hand full of sand at Amanda. 'You weave my mommy alone.. mean lady!'

Amanda looked down at Sophie giving her a mean awful look. Sophie stuck her tongue out at her. Sam moves Sophie back to stand behind him too.

'Listen, I'm only going to ask you one more freaking time, to stay away from me, my wife and my children. If I have to, I'll take some legal action against you. This is considered borderline stalking.' Sam said.

Donna glared at her over Sams shoulder. She turned and walked away. But didn't go to far. She laid her blanket out and sat pulling out a book. Donna rolled her eyes as they made eye contact. Amanda opened her book acting like she was reading.

Donna was standing there with her arms crossed looking at Sam. He grabbed her by her hips and pulled him to her.

'Please don't let her ruin this day for us. She's just jealous because you landed the most eligible bachelor in New York.'

'You come with a lot of drama.'

He laughed 'Me? I come with drama? Listen here drama queen..' He gave her a deep kiss sliding his hands down her back as she slid her arms around his neck. 'You could win an Oscar for some of your performances.'

She playfully slapped his chest. 'You jerk!'

Their faces were inches apart. 'I love me some feisty Donna though.' His has slid down to her ass. 'It's quite sexy.' He kissed her again.

'I'm tired of dealing with bitches from your past. Can you send out a mass email notification telling them your happily married?' Sam laughed. 'Or at least have them leave us alone until after I have the baby and then I can beat the shit out of them when they hit on you.'

'Ooo.. mommy say bad word.' Sophie pointed at Donna.

'How they heck did she know that I said a bad word?' Donna look at Sam. He shrugged.

They gathered up their things to leave. Sam could see a few people staring at the couple. He decided he give them a little something to gawk at.

He grabbed Donna's face in his hands and gave her a spine tingling kiss that left her breathless.

'What was that for?'

'That was because your my wife, I love you and I can do that anytime I want.'

She wrapped an arm around his neck with her other hand on his chest. He had one hand on her ass and the other on her baby bump. They stood there on the beach in front of everyone making out like two teenagers at a party as the girls played in the sand at their feet.

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