Chap 11

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Paying the cab driver Sam quickly ran into the hospital. He looked around dazed and confused. His flight was long and restless and he just wanted to find Donna.

He walked swiftly up to the information desk.

'Can I help you?' The older female asked.

'Uh yes, I need the room for Donna Sheridan?'

After a few seconds of searching 'I'm sorry sir, but we don't have a Donna Sheridan as a patient here.'

'She called me last night and said meet her at Baptist Medical on the mainland.' He was getting annoyed 'This is Baptist Medical isn't it?' He shifted his weight from one foot to the other as the woman continued to search.

'I'm sorry there is no Donna, but we do have a Sophia Sheridan in the Children's Hospital in room 717.'

'I don't know a child named Sophia..' he stopped and pulled the picture out of his wallet. He flipped it over. 'Is her birthdate April 2nd?' The receptionist nodded. 'Where's the elevator?' She pointed to his left and he sprinted down the hall.

Sophie was a little perky today. The fluids and antibiotics that they had given her gave her little bit of energy. Her chubby cheeks had a little bit of pink color to them. Wearing a soft pink onesie with her favorite light lavender silk blanket close to her face, she reached her tiny hand up at Donna trying to grab her nose. Donna laughed and grabbed Sophie's chubby little hand and kissed it.

'You little sneaky little thing. You trying to grab mammas nose?' A lopsided smile was on Sophies lips as she nursed.

Donna was relieved when the doctor said she could still nurse Sophie. Her milk was full vitamins and other antibodies that would also help Sophie fight off the infection that had invaded her tiny body.

Rocking her sweet baby girl, Donna closed her eyes and started softly singing.

Take it easy with me, please
Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze
Take your time, make it slow
Andante, Andante, Just let the feeling grow
Make your fingers soft and light
Let your body be the velvet of the night
Touch my soul, you know how
Andante, Andante, Go slowly with me now

Donna didn't hear the door slow swing open. Sam stepped in the dimly lit hospital room. His breathe caught in his throat at the site of Donna cradling a now sleeping baby in her arms.

He was captivated by her. She still looked the same. Her blonde hair was a bit longer, her skin a bit more tan. Her voice still like an angel.

The chubby baby squirmed a little and Donna adjusted herself in the rocking chair to make herself and the little baby more comfortable.

Sam leaned onto the door frame mesmerized by Donna's voice and the site of her nursing her baby girl.

I'm your music
I'm your song
Play me time and time again and make me strong
Make me sing, make me sound
Andante, Andante, Tread lightly on my ground
Andante, Andante
Oh please don't let me down..

'Amazing' He said causing her to jump which cause Sophie to jump. She snapped her head in his direction.

'Oh my God Sam, you came!'

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