Chap 61

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The storm had stopped and the electricity came back on. There was a calm in the air. Donna and Sam with their new baby girl lye in the dimly lit room. Still in the afterglow of Shayla's thunder cracking, electricity blowing birth.

Her hair is slightly darker than Sophie's. But you can see many of the same features. The tiny nose, the plump baby lips. Shayla's eyes seem to have a little more of jade color to them. Blueish green.. a mixture of both Sam and Donna's eyes.

Donna had drifted off to sleep right before the doctor finally arrived. She woke up upon hearing him entered the room. He examined both Donna and the baby. He took vitals and weighed Shayla. 5pounds 7ounces. Not bad for a baby born four weeks early. Seeing as both mom and baby were doing well, the doctor didn't see any need for them to go to the hospital. Unless Donna wanted to. After spending days and nights in the hospital with Sophie, they decided to opt out. He congratulated Sam on delivering the baby. He did everything perfect. They only thing was they had to take the baby to the pediatrician by the end of the week for her after birth check up.

It was nearly 3 in the morning when Sam and Donna finally got settled back into bed with their newborn baby laying between them. She laid on her side facing  Donna. Sam ran his hand over her perfect little head. Donna looked on at Sam with so much love. He leaned over and place a soft kiss on the baby's head. He was still on a high from delivering his own baby. He looked over at Donna. Her eyes were getting heavy. She was trying to stay awake.

'Sweetheart, just go to sleep. She's not going anywhere, I'm not going anywhere. I'll wake you if she gets hungry again. You have been through so much. You freaking just gave our child life. Rest,  you need and you deserve it.' He leaned over and gave her a breath taking kiss.

' I love you Samuel Carmichael. Our girls are so lucky to have you as their daddy.'

'No baby, I'm the lucky one.'

The morning sunlight was shining through their bedroom window. They lay with Donna snuggled up to Sam with her head up on his shoulder with baby Shayla soundly sleeping on Sams chest.

Donna was the first to wake up because she heard Sophie taking through her baby monitor. Donna smiled as she laid there listening to Sophie's baby babble conversation with heaven knows what toy she had drug into her crib.

Sam woke up when he felt the bed shift.

'Where are you going' he said in a low raspy voice.

'To get Sophie so we can introduce her to her baby sister.'

'Woman, you get back in bed. You just gave birth less that 8 hours ago. I'll go get her.'

Sam handed Shayla to Donna and she settled back against her propped up pillows.

Sam came walking back into the room with Sophie. Her head was lying on his shoulder. Sam sat down on the bed with her and her head immediately popped up and looked over at her mommy holding a baby. She looked back at Sam then back over at Donna. She crawled over to Donna and first laid her head on Donna lap. Giving her mommy morning love. Donna stroked her soft blonde hair. Sophie sat up and moved closer over to Donna. Sam and Donna were both in tears. Sophie put her hand on Shayla's cheek and leaned over to give her new baby sister a kiss. Sam slid in closer to the girls. Donna leaned up against him holding Shayla, Sophie has snuggled up to Donna. The four of them were in such a happy place. Sophie looked up at Sam.

'My sissy' as a huge smile spread across her face.

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