Chap 99

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Sam got to the hospital within 15 minutes after receiving the phone call. He signed all the medical consent forms. He gave them all their insurance information. They handed Sam Donna's personal items. He dug through the bag to make sure everything he knew of was in there. He pulled the small plastic bag out with her wedding ring and earrings. He put those in his pocket for safer keeping. He went though her purse trying to find the number for her OBGYN. He called to cancel her appointment and to let them know she had been in an accident.

Sam paced the waiting room. He had called his mom to let her know what happened and asked if she could keep the girls. Without hesitation his mother told him to not ever worry about the girls. She gave them her best and told him to tell Donna that she loved her.

Sams phone started ringing. It was the tow truck company. The accident happened like two hours ago and they were wanting car insurance information.

'Is the car going to be able to be fixed or is it going to be totaled?' He ran his fingers through his hair. 'I'm not giving any information. My wife is in the hospital right not. I'll have to call you back.'

He thought to himself. Really the insurance company was already calling him. He shook his head.

He was getting text from a few of his work associates. The news of the accident had already made the news. Sam should have known. News reporters are liking vultures when news breaks.

'Donna Carmichael the wife of Business tycoons, Sam Carmichael was involved in a car accident today. She was sideswiped and driven off the road by a semi. According to witness, the semi swerved into her lane causing the vehicle she was in to swerve into the median hitting a utility pole before being struck again from behind by another passing vehicle.'

Sam watched the TV in horror. They showed video footage of Donna's SUV on the tow truck. Lots of front end damage, the drivers side sustained a lot of visual damage and then the back drivers side. Seeing the amount of damage to the car made him sick to his stomach.

He looked at the clock on the wall. It had been 2 hours. He needed some information. He marched down to the nurses station. He demanded someone find out something for him.

About 15 minutes later a doctor came walking into the waiting room.

'Mr. Carmichael?' Sam stood practically running over to the gentleman in green scrubs.

'How's my wife. Is she ok? Is she going to make it?'

'You're wife is stable. She sustained a few fractured ribs. She has a visual head injury, no swelling or fluid on the brain. More like a serious concussion. No internal injuries. She has several several cuts and bruises. Her face hit the steering wheel busting her eye. She also has whiplash from the back impacted.'

Sam put his hand over his mouth.

'She is going to be fine. She's just going to have to taken it easy and give herself time to heal. Luckily she didn't sustain anything worse.'

'Umm.,' He looked down fearing this question. 'She was pregnant. What about baby? Is it alright?'

A grim look came over the doctors face. 'I'm
Sorry Mr. Carmichael, she lost the baby.'

Sam felt like he had been punched in the stomach. 'We hadn't found out what she was having yet. Do you know the sex of the baby?'

He shook his head. 'Yes, it was a boy.'

Tears formed in Sams eyes. 'Again Mr Carmichael, your wife is in stable condition. They are taking her to a private room and you should be able to see her soon.'

Sam shook the doctors hand and thanked him. He watched as he disappeared down the hall.

A nurse in blue scrubs walked up to Sam.

'Mr Carmichael, you forgot to date a few of these forms. She handed him the pen and asked the date.

'It's March 20th, first day of spring.'

He stopped writing. 'It's our anniversary. Our first anniversary.' The nurse looked at him sympathetically

A nurse escorted Sam down the hall down to Donna's room. He slowly opened the door. His breath cough at the sight of her all banged and bruised up. Cuts on her arms and face from the glass. She had a bandage on the side of her head where she must have hit the window causing the concussion.

He slowly walked over to her. He gently kissed her forehead. And placed a tender kiss on her swollen lips. He sat in the chair beside the bed. Tears formed in his eyes. He gently grabbed her hand to hold it. His finger tips touched the sheet near her now flat stomach. She was showing at 16 weeks. They lost their baby. He lost his son. He brought her hand up to his lips.

'I love you sweetheart.' He said before laying his head down on the bed next to her crying.

A familiar feeling of her fingers running through the back of his head caused a smile to form on his lips as he lifted his head.  Her hand still behind his head.

'Hey beautiful.' He kissed her hand.

'I don't feel very beautiful at the moment.'

'You'll always will be beautiful to me.'

'What happened? I feel like shit.'

'You were sideswiped by a semi and it ran you off the road.'

She touched her head, but cringed when she lifted her arm sending sharp pains through her insides.

'You have a concussion, several fractured ribs..' He watched her facial expression changed as she touched her stomach. She looked over at Sam tears immediately filling her eyes. He knew she had just figured out she lost the baby.

She covered her face with her hand sobbing. Sam stood and carefully climbed in the bed beside her. He wrapped his arms around her as she buried her face in his chest. She fisted a handful of Sams white button down shirt. He rubbed her back.

'Shh.. it's ok.'

'No it's not. I lost the baby.' She was crying uncontrollably.

'But you're here. You're alive. Sweetheart that's all that matters to me. I still have you.'

'Oh God Sam, I can't believe it's gone.'

'He'll be your little guardian angel. He'll watch over his sisters.'

She lifted her head. 'He?'

Sam closed his eyes. 'Yes sweetheart, it was a boy.'

A fresh set of tears filled her eyes. He held her until he felt she has fallen back asleep. He laid there holding her. Feeling the loss of their son but so thankful that Donna was alive.

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