Chap 108

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Sam had been gone for a couple weeks. They have talked every day. Both finding it extremely hard to be apart. She tried to pour herself into the Villa. He tried to be interested in the boring meetings he was forced to attend.

Donna was trying to catch a cold. She didn't have time for that.

She asked Ms. Betty if she could watch the girls while she went to the mainland to see if she could get in to see her doctor for some medication. With Sam gone she really couldn't afford being sick. She had the girls, the Villa and some business stuff in New York to deal with.

She took the ferry to the mainland. She tries to eat a little lunch, but nothing tasted good to her. She did a little shopping.

She finally got to the doctors office and signed in. She sat down nervous. She hated doctors offices. She picked up a magazine. She started flipping through it. There were pictures of newborns were on every page it seemed like.

She closed the magazine. She sighed.

'Mrs. Carmichael?' The nurse called her name. Causing her to jump. She straighten her dress and followed the nurse to the triage area.

They took her blood pressure, normal. Took her Temperature , normal.

'When was you last menstrual cycle?'

Donna knitted her brow. 'Do you have a calendar?' She really couldn't remember because of how crazy the last few months have been for her.

She went back to her accident date. 'I'm sorry I was in a car accident a few months ago. I lost my baby.' The nurse looked sympathetic. 'I'm sorry I can't remember.'

'It's ok. I'm so sorry for your loss.'

'Thank you. I feel like I'm starting to get a cold. I've got two girls, a 3 year old and the youngest just turned a year a month ago.'

The nurse handed her the routine urine cup.

Donna waited for the doctor nervously twirling her wedding ring around in circles on her finger.

A soft knock on the doctor made her jump.

'Come in'

'Mrs Carmichael?' He held out his hand. 'I'm Dr. Michaels. What brings you in today?'

'I haven't felt good for a few weeks. Honestly, it's been more than a few weeks.'

'I see you were in a car accident a few months ago.'

'Yes sir. I had a concussion, fractured ribs, cuts and bruises.. and I..' she swallowed. 'I lost our baby. I was about 16 weeks.'

'I'm so sorry for your loss.'

'Thank you. Actually doctor. I know I am getting a cold and there's nothing I can take, I also know that you're about to tell me that I'm pregnant.'

'Yes I was. and Congratulations.'

She smiled. 'Thank you. But I wanted to ask if you think it's to soon that I got pregnant after my accident and loosing the baby.'

'No you should be fine. How far along do you think you are?'

'About 8 weeks.'  She said more like a question.

'Do you want to go ahead and set up an ultrasound to find out for sure? I'm sure we could squeeze you in today.'

'That would be great! That way I wouldn't have to leave the girls. My husband is out of the country on business so I try not to leave them if I don't have to. It's been a rough couple of weeks for us.'

'I'll have my nurse check for you an appointment. I'll be right back.'

He walked back in about 10 minutes later. 'They can get you in 20 minutes.'

'Oh that would be great.'

Donna got settled in the ultrasound room. The nurse got the ultrasound machine ready. Donna lifted her dress and she draped the paper sheet over her lower body.

'It's going to be cold.'

Donna jerked a bit as the cool gel squirted on her belly.

The nurse ran the ultrasound probe around her stomach before stopping. Donna stared at the screen. Tears formed in her eyes as the steady sound of a strong heartbeat filled the room. You could see the tiny fetus clear as day in the middle of the screen.

'There's your baby.' Donna smiled and put her hand over her mouth.

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