Chap 85

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It was Christmas Eve, Donna and the girls left the Carmichael's after having an early dinner with them. They had showered the girls with toys and new clothes. Sam had said he'd meet them there, but again, his work kept him from his family.

Donna was sitting on the couch sipping on a cup of coffee in front of the fire. She loved watching the girls play. They had been playing with some of the news toys their gammie and papa had given them for Christmas.

Sophie with blonde curls and her rosy cheeks. Her blue eyes filled with so much wonder, so many questions. She was starting to look more like a little girl than a baby.

Shayla her blonde curls were a little darker than Sophie's. Her blue/green eyes always filled with love. Her cubby cheeks, and rolls open rolls on her legs. She never missed a meal and loved to eat.

Donna looked at the clock over on the wall. It was after 6. Most company's were already off or at least had given their employees the day off. Or even given them a half day off.

'Daddy home?' Sophie asked after hearing a noise that sounded like a door.

'No baby daddy's not home yet.' She smiled at Sophie as she went back to playing with her new baby doll.

A short while later Donna door heard the door open and then close. She heard Sam drop the keys on the table by the door and set his briefcase on the floor by the door. The jacket closet opened and shut from Sam hanging up his winter coat.

Finally he made his way into the living room. He was loosening his tie and rolling up his sleeves. Sophie caught site of him and ran to him showing him her new doll. Shayla crawled over to him and he picked her up too. He gave them both kisses on their cheeks and sat down on the opposite end of the couch from Donna. Shayla immediately squirmed our of Sams arms and crawled over to Donna. She smiled and hugged her close giving her a big kiss.

Sam looked over at Donna. 'I'm sorry I missed dinner.' She didn't look at him.

'You might wanna call your mom and apologize to her. She made your favorite meal'

Sam laid his head back on the couch. Sophie had now crawled out of his lap and was sitting on the couch between them.

They sat in silence for a few moments. Shayla had snuggled into Donna's chest and started nursing and Sophie had leaned up against Donna trying not to fall asleep.

It wasn't late, but they all had had a busy day. A tear fell down Donna's cheek. She kissed Shayla's head.

'Whats happening to us? It's freaking Christmas Eve and your just now getting home and the girls are already ready to go to bed.'

He lifted his head and looked over at Donna with sadness in his eyes.

'Baby I'm sorry, but I have taken the rest of the year off so I can reconnect with my family.'

'Are we going to get your full undivided attention or are we going to have to divide it with your laptop and your cellphone that will be constantly ringing?' She looked over at him.

He picked up Sophie who had fallen asleep. He carried her off to her room and laid her down in her bed.

He walked back in the living room for Shayla who wasn't quite asleep yet. She looked up at him smiling. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. Donna could smell what was left of his cologne. His face was inches from hers.

'I'm going to go take a shower. Hopefully she'll be asleep when I get out.' He gave Donna a soft kiss before disappearing down the hall way.

Shayla had soon fallen asleep. Donna carried her to her crib. Making sure the monitor was on. Sophie was snuggled up with her blankie. Donna kissed her hand and put it to Sophie's cheek.

'Sleep tight baby girl, Santa will be here soon and will leave you lots of toys.'

She pulled the door too and walked across the hall to their room. Sam had just turned off the shower. Donna took off her clothes and slipped into her favorite tank and panties sleep set. Sam had lit the fireplace they had in their room. Donna stood next to it warming her body before climbing into bed.

Sam walked out of the bathroom and looked over at Donna who was already tucked in bed. He locked eyes with her as he slid into bed. He turned off the bedside lamp. Donna did the same. The only light in the room was coming from the fire place.

Donna's eyes were getting heavy from being sleepy. He moved closer to Donna so that they were lying on the same pillow. He kissed her lips as his body move closer touching hers. His hand snaked around her waist and he pulled her close to him. He ran his hand up under the back of her tank top and back down grabbing her butt. He started working his way across her chest covering her with soft kisses. He ran his hand up the front of her tank top and massaged her breast. Donna let out a low satisfying moan of pleasure. Sam was touching her in all the right places tonight.

He took her lips to his running his tongue along her bottom lip. Donna open her mouth as Sams tongue began to wrestle with hers. Her tank top was now laying on the floor. Sam has taken her breast in his hands, massaging them before taking one in his mouth. Donna ran her fingers through Sams hair as his tongue circled her nipple. Taking the whole breast in his mouth he sucked causing Donna to arch her back. His slid his hand down Donna's stomach. He stopped at her panty line. He removed his mouth from her throbbing breast. He lifted his face looking into her eyes. He laid on his side as she laid on her back. His hand was still resting on her stomach at her panty line. Her breathing had became unsteady. He slowly pulled her panties down her legs and tossed them on the floor. She swallowed hard as Sam straddled her naked body. He pushed her legs apart with his knees. He was hovering over her. Her hands were up above her head.

He took his hand and began caressing her womanhood. She could feel goosebumps of pleasure popping up all over her body. He slowly inserted his fingers into her. Her hips rose to meet his hand. He gently moved his fingers in and out of her. With each movement Donna's hips meet his hands. He pumped his fingers harder and faster in her. Donna's hip couldn't keep up. She was screaming his name as she felt her orgasm release.

'Oh my God' She managed to get out in between breaths.

He withdrew his hand for between her legs and slid them up her sides. He hovered over her waiting for her to open her eyes. When she did he slowly lowered himself onto her. They intertwined their fingers raised their hands above Donnas head.

Sam was moving slowly in and out of her. Their hips meeting with each thrust. Donna spread her legs wider taking him further inside of her before wrapping them up around his waist.

Sam called out her name into the crease of her neck. She was trying to control herself but she was finding it very difficult. Sam was giving her so much pleasure. Donna was moaning and calling out his name.

'Sam.. uh.. more.. harder.. of god please don't stop.' She bit her lip 'oh this feels.. oh.. so good!' She wiggled under him. She was feeling something she hadn't ever felt before. They were taking sex to a whole new level tonight. She was reaching her orgasm. Her lower body was tingling with pleasure. She let go of Sams hand and gripped the sheets. She arched her back off the bed.

Her whole body trembled as she let go and screamed out his name. He was right behind her thrusting himself into her as his orgasm release. He pushed himself against her fully releasing himself inside of her. He laid down on top of her. Their hips were still gently moving against each other.

'that was truly amazing.' He said between breaths.

'Mmm.. I love feeling you inside me.' She moved her hips up against his. 'You give me so much pleasure.'

'One thing we definitely have going for us, we do have great satisfying sex,'

She giggled. 'We don't lack in that department that's for sure.' She unwrapped her legs from around his waist.

Sam rolled off of her and pulled her close to him.

'I love you.' He said kissing her hand.

'I love you too.' She said before closing her eyes and drifting off into a satisfying sleep. Sam too drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

They had reconnected sexually. Now for them to reconnect as a couple and as a family.

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