Chap 60

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Donna laid back on the pillows breathing heavy after her final push. Sam caught the baby as she slid out of the birth canal. He finally let go of the breath he had been holding. He held the slippery baby in his hands. She cried out. He stared down at her with tears in his eyes. He looked up at Donna smiling. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. The both was so relieved and so exhausted.

'She's perfect.' He looked at Donna and then back down at the baby. He couldn't believe his wife just delivered their baby.

The baby was crying. Donna was still trying to catch her breath. She put her hand over her face still taking deep breaths and crying when she heard her daughter cry out.

Sam wiped the baby down and then wrapped her up in the soft blanket from their bed. He moved up to the top of the bed to sit next to Donna. She leaned against his chest. He wiped the sweat from her forehead and kissed her cheek. He wiped the tears that were rolling down her cheeks.

'I can't believe you just did that.' An exhausted Donna looked at Sam. 'You are my rockstar. You just delivered her with no medicine. No nothing.'

Donna looked at Sam and then at the baby. 'You did it to!' She place a hand on his cheek. 'You just delivered our baby!' She kissed him with so much love.

'We did it.' He said as the baby started to cry out again.

He handed Donna the baby. She looked down at the tiny baby and began to cry again. She looked at Sam as fresh tears filled her eyes.

'Oh Sam, she's beautiful.' She pulled the blanket back. 10 tiny fingers, 10 tiny toes. Soft baby hair.

Sam held Donna and just kept kissing her forehead.

The room was still dark. Sam got up looking for candles to light the bedroom. He stripped the dirty bedsheets from the bed. Donna had sat in the rocking chair beside the bed while he put fresh linens on the bed. He helped Donna back into bed.

He sat back down as Donna laid back onto his chest. She laid the tiny baby on her chest. The baby quickly found her mommy's breast and started nursing. Sam placed his hand on the baby's back. And leaned his cheek against the side of Donna head.

'I still can't believe she's here.' He kissed the top of Donna's head.

'You know we still have to name her.' Donna looked up at him.

Sam took her tiny hand in his. She grasped onto his index finger.

'Shaylee.. Shayla.. Sophie and..' He said the two names together to see how they sounded together.

'Shayla Elisabeth.' Donna said smiling down at the baby. She looked up at Sam as tears began to form in his eyes.

'Elisabeth, you're giving her my mother's middle name.' He kissed her lips. 'It's perfect.'

'Shayla Elisabeth Carmichael. Welcome to the world baby girl.' Donna kissed her tiny baby head. Sam bent his head forward kissing the tiny baby hand he held. He looked back up and placed a gentle kiss on Donna's lips. 

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