Chap 36

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Donna and Sam sat in the waiting room at the OBGYN's office. Donna was actually a little nervous. She didn't know why because she's done this before and this time she actually has Sam with her. Sam was all smiles with that proud daddy grin. Donna tried looking through a magazine but she couldn't help but think what if something was wrong with this baby too.

Sam placed his hand on her shaking leg. 'Why are you so nervous? You have done this before.'

'What if this baby has something wrong with it. What if it has cancer too' He took her hand and kissed it.

'I'm sure they will be able to find all the out through your sonograms, blood test and stuff.'

'Well they didn't find anything wrong with Sophie until she was a year old.'

The waiting room door opened 'Ms Sheridan' the nurse called causing Donna to jump.

'Baby calm down your blood pressure is going to be elevated. Which is probably not a good thing.'

The nurse escorted them into the exam room. 'The doctor will be in shortly.' Donna gave her a nervous smile and took a seat on the exam table.

A knock on the door cause her to jump again. She looked at Sam and he chuckled.

'You'll be fine' He tried to calm her fears.

'Hi Mr and Mrs Sheridan.' Donna opened her mouth to correct him. But decided to let it go. 'I'm Dr. Cronin.' He flipped through her chart. 'First off Congratulations.' They both smiled. 'Is this your first?' He continues to flip through her chart. 'Oh nope, it's your second.'

'Our daughter will be 2 in April.' Sam said beaming. Donna still sat there nervous.

'Are you ok Ms Sheridan. You look a little nervous?' The doctor asked her.

She looked over at Sam. 'Well our daughter is in remission right now and I'm just nervous that this baby may have cancer too.'

'Oh, well the risk lowers with each child. This baby will be just fine.' Donna left out the breath she didn't know she was holding. 'I see you did your bloodwork a few weeks ago but didn't do a sonogram?'

'No, I wanted him here with me for that. He kinda missed out on the first pregnancy.' Donna was rambling. 'Long story..'

'How far along do you think you might be?' Donna was doing calculations in her head.

'Maybe 8 or 9 weeks.'

The door stood up. 'Well let's take a look and listen to that heartbeat.'

Donna laid back onto the exam table and lifted her shirt. There was already a small rounded bump. With your second child you show sooner. Sam grabbed her hand.

'This is going to be cold.' The doctor squirted the gel on her belly and started moving the ultrasound probe around her stomach.

The sound of a steady heartbeat filled the room. Tears sprang to Donna's eyes as she looked at Sam who had his eyes glued the ultrasound monitor.

'Well, there he or she is.' Sam squeezed Donna's hand.

'Oh my God that's so amazing!' Sam said still staring at the screen.

The doctor knit his brow. 'What? What's wrong?' Donna asked nervous.

'Well by the length and weight of the fetus. You seem to be further along than you think.' Donna looked up at Sam. 'You're about 12 weeks and due around June.

Donna laid her head back trying to figure out about how far back 3 months was. Oh, that first time after their 'first date' when she was plastered. That's why she didn't go that far back when trying to figure out when they could have conceived.

'Well with that we should be able to tell what your having at your next ultrasound in about 6 to 8 weeks.'

He printed off a few sonogram pictures and handed them to Sam. He shook his hand and congratulated them again.

Sam looked down at the images in his hands.

'Look we made a baby.. again!' He said excited. Donna looked at him with such love. She couldn't believe that she was having another baby with Sam, and this time he was going to be there every step of the way.

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