Chap 15

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It's been 2 months since Sophie was diagnosed and Donna hadn't left her side. Sam had gotten a room at the nearest hotel and it was only 2 blocks from the hospital. Donna still refused to leave.

'Donna I just think she'd get better treatment in a bigger more well known hospital' He tried reasoning with her. 'I just think that Mount Sinai Kravis Children's Hospital in New York is her best chance right now.'

'Sam I don't want her to go to another hospital. She's getting the best treatment she can here.'

'I know that, but a children's hospital that specializes in childhood diseases would be better.'

'I'm her mother don't you think I know what's best for my baby?!'

'Well I'm her father or at least I'm assuming I am you've never actually have came out said she's mine!' He shouted.

'Are you freaking serious right now? Do you think I'd beg you to fly half way around the damn world to come play 'daddy' to my sick child? I didn't want you here. You don't deserve Sophie.'

'I don't deserve Sophie? You're the one who decided not to tell me about her until she was born. And then you said you wrote me a letter, which that letter just so mysteriously disappeared.'

'I did write you a letter. I mailed it to your office.' She said through gritted teeth.

'Why didn't you call. Wouldn't that have been much easier that a letter.'

'Oh my God are you really getting this worked up over a damn letter? You're here now! I called you. Doesn't that freaking matter to you?'

'You called me because she's sick. If she was well I'd probably would have never known I had a kid.'

'I can't.. I can't do this with you right now..'

'Donna please, just think about it. The Children's Hospital in New York is her best chance. If not there then we can fly to John Hopkins or any other hospital that won't take us on a twelve flight.'

Sophie began to whine at the sound of her parents arguing. Donna stepped around Sam and went to Sophie's bedside.

'Hey there baby sugar. How's mammas girl feeling.' Donna picked her up carefully trying no to mess with any of the iv's. 'Mamma loves this sweet baby.' She smothered her in kisses.

Sophie caught sight of Sam over Donna's shoulder.

She reached her arms out for him to hold her. Donna's heart sank. Sam walked up behind Donna, and she reluctantly handed Sophie over to him. Never making eye contact with. She was still angry with him about him saying he really doesn't know if Sophie is his because Donna has never verbally told him. He knew she is. Her eyes are his and he knows Donna wouldn't lie to him about something like that. He was just saying those things to hurt Donna because he feels she has held back on so many things.. so many feelings with him.

He pulled her close to his chest and she buried her face in the crease of his neck. 'Aw that's daddy sweet baby girl' He looked over at Donna. 'Daddy is lovin all this Sophie loving.'

Donna sat down in the rocking chair watching Sam and Sophie. Sam got her to let out a little giggle. Something she hadn't heard much of since they had checked into the hospital. Donna knows that a more well known hospital and a children's hospital would be best for Sophie. She just doesn't want to leave the comfort of Kalokairi for the big city. But Sams right.. Sophie needs more experienced doctors and ones that specialize in childhood diseases.

'Ok, I give up.. I give in. We'll go to New York. But I won't go if the doctor says she's not well enough to travel and if he thinks that it wouldn't be any different treatment.' She made eye contact with him but quickly turned her head. Sam smiled and kissed Sophie's head.

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