Weird Noises

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Tup: Dogma? Are you awake?

Dogma: I am now. What do you want?

Tup: I heard a weird noise outside

Dogma: Seriously? It's probably just the wind

Tup: It sounded like someone walking around.

Dogma: It's just your imagination Tup

Tup: What if its clankers! Or worse, commando droids?!

Dogma: Tup, you have a serious problem: an overactive imagination!

Tup: No, I'm serious. Just listen

Dogma: I have better things to do. Like sleep!

Tup: But what if its serious! Shouldn't we check it out?

Dogma: Why don't you go check it out yourself!

Tup: I'm going to find someone who will actually listen

On another chat:

Tup: Jesse? Are you awake?

Jesse: Apparently

Tup: I heard weird noises outside and I think they might be clankers. Dogma won't check it out with me. Will you?

Jesse: You're scared to go by yourself, aren't you?

Tup: What! No no no no no!! I just might need backup.

Jesse: Admit you're scared and I'll go with you.

Tup: That's blackmail

Jesse: I guess I could just go to sleep and let those clankers get you...

Tup: Fine! I'm scared to go by myself! Now will you check it out with me?

Jesse: Okay, sure just one more thing...

Jesse has taken a screenshot of this chat

Tup: What are you going to do with that?!?

Jesse: I might just use it when Hardcase is bugging me or something

Tup: ...Whatever

Jesse and Tup go outside, surprised by what they find

Jesse: Hardcase? Fives? What are you two doing outside at this hour?

Hardcase and fives quickly hide some buckets behind their back

Tup: You were going to prank the 501st weren't you?

Hardcase: Uh, well it sounded like fun. Wait until you guys see the-

Fives: Quit spoiling everything!!!

Jesse: Well I'm in!

Tup: Good thing I didn't bring Dogma with me. He would have told Captain Rex right away. I'm in too!

Fives: Well, let's get started....

The 501st wakes up to pink glitter all over their heads and syrup all over their armor. Fives, Jesse, Hardcase, and Tup can't help but laugh.


Original draft wrote on: 3-7-19

Original draft edited on: 4-27-21

Edited again on 1-28-24

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