Arrival in Japan.

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We follow a young man walking toward UA. This man was called Izuku Midoriya and he isn't a normal guy. This young man holds one of the highest ranks in the whole of Asia. He is the Prince of Asia. They hold strong quirks. Quirks are superpowers that everyone holds.  Many people believe that the power one holds decides one rank. Even with that in mind, Izuku Midoriya would still hold a rank above all others. Izuku has the power of the Devil Fruits and Haki.

Normally Izuku would not be able to walk around like he is now with servants and guardians being close, But Izuku ordered them to let him go alone. His mother Queen Inko wished him luck. She knew this day would come. Izuku ever since he was a little boy had the dream of becoming a hero. He loved helping people so Inko did what she could to help her son. Her husband has the same feeling Hisashi Midoriya the current King of Asia. 

Both Hisashi and Inko stood behind the Idea of Izuku becoming a hero. Sure he would always become the next king but a hero was his dream and what parent would not support their child's dream. They got teachers for Izuku that could help him learn everything he would need to become a hero. They at a young age trained his quirks and body. They thought him how to do medical treatment which was easier with Izuku having powers that would heal. They thought him how to cook and fight with swords and even Firearms.

As Izuku grew up they of course thought him in academics and found out he is extremely smart. His IQ is just below Nezu who is one of the smartest people in the world. Izuku was also extremely kindhearted even helping out staff with things they had to do. They would always say that the young lord should not burden himself but he always gave a smile and told them he wanted to help. Izuku quickly became known as a kind-hearted prince even to the outside world.

Izuku grew up to be a handsome young man. He stood at an impressive 198cm or 6'5. He had impressive muscles as he had an 8pack that looked like they were made out of metal. His arms were broad. He had black hair with dark green tips that were combed back with his sides and back trimmed neatly. His eyes were much like his mother's beautiful green eyes. He had 4 freckles on each cheek and a sharp jawline. Tabloids often call him one of the hottest people in the world. Or the wet dream for ladies all over, after a Picture of Izuku coming out of a swimming pool was leaked to the world.

Thankfully he thought ahead and covered up. Sure he was still standing out as He was taller than most people. He wore a hoodie covering up his muscles yet you could still see he was buff. He also wore a face mask to cover up his face as most people knew what he looked like. His hair was no problem as many men wore the same hairstyle. He made his way to UA and stood still in front of the Entrance exam

He walked forward and tripped on his own feet almost face planting in the floor, But he was saved by a brown-haired lady who what seemed like removed his gravity as he was now floating upside down.'' Would be bad luck if you fell.'' She said as she smiled at him. Izuku saw the smile and froze, Sure has talked to women before and some looked like supermodels, Some even were supermodels but She looked too beautiful and it made him blush and unable to speak as he just stuttered trying to speak.

The brown-haired was confused as he released her quirk on Izuku. He was stuttering that she found strangely cute, She as this crossed her mind also began to blush as they wanted to introduce themself they were yelled at by a blond boy.'' Get the fuck out of my why extra's before I destroy you both.'' Izuku was brought out his stuttering and moved out of the way while thinking how rude that was. He then wanted to introduce himself as to not look too stupid in front of the brown-haired lady But was stopped when a pink-skinned girl and an invisible girl ran up and grabbed both her arms dragging her inside as they were laughing. The pinkskin girl yelled something at Izuku before they entered.'' Dont worry big guy make it in UA and you can ask her on a date then.'' as she said this Izuku began to blush more as he didn't expect something like that to be said much less yelled at him.

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