Earning the work Study

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'' And that is what the work-study means for you all. Not all of you will be going on a work-study. Hell most of the time you will get it in the second year, But you all are special, You all are different.'' Aizawa had just explained what work studies would mean for the students, A foot in the door with the real Pro's, But they had to work for it themselves, They had to earn the right to enter a work-study, It wasn't up to the school, It was up to the Pros.

'' But sir, How do we contact them? It's not like we can call them right.'' Nami asked, Hoping for a different method that wouldn't be as cringy and awkward as calling them on the phone.'' That is exactly what you are going to be doing unless you want to be going agency to agency and talk with them in person.'' Aizawa pulled out a stack of paper.'' You will be writing a type of resume. With this, The heroes can see your grades, and a little about yourself, We will then scan them in online so that during a phone call you are able to email them the info.''

He started spreading the papers to everyone. He gave everyone one paper as he talked.'' For the rest of today's lesson, We are doing work on this, And after we are done with this, I will Text Midnight so she can show up and help prepare you for the interviews that will happen.'' Uhm sir is that really needed?'' Camie asked with Aizawa sighing.'' Like my old teacher used to tell me, Presentation is key, Your Resume is just turning the handle.'' But sir, No offense but you look like a crazed hobo that doesn't understand a sleep schedule.''

The class laughed at Mina's rough but fair explanation of Aizawa's appearance.'' Yes, I do Ashido, But I didnt before, In my younger days I combed my hair, I slept at normal hours, and I showed that I was the best me I could be. Only after I became a pro and I had already gotten the reputation of someone that was able to put in work, I got to be this,'' The class began working hard on their Hero Resume Or HCV. Each of them worked on it quietly, Leaving Aizawa to check up on the search.

They found plenty of clues in the nearby area, But nothing ever lead anywhere, It just went right back to some dead-end building or stopped randomly in the road. Nezu had come to the conclusion. They were using the Teleportation user. How else were they getting around like that, But It told Nezu something, We were getting close to them. The heroes were right on their backsides. Nezu just hoped they would get there fast enough, They were up to something and it could be bad. Nezu however did scold Aizawa for emailing him instead of focusing on his class.

'' You really think, Sir Nighteye is okay with having an extra intern,'' Izuku asked Mirio as they were walking toward his agency, Mirio shrugged, He really had no idea,'' Maybe, you just gotta make him laugh I think, That's what I did.'' Mirio spoke honestly as they walked into the building.'' You could have given me a bigger heads up than this.'' Izuku responded as he scratched the back of his head,'' Guess I should have haha.'' But it was too late to prepare himself as they quickly reached the door of nighteye and walked in.

Mirio knocked on the door before promptly walking in. It showed two other people in the room. First was Sir Nighteye, a very tall yet skinny-looking man, Wearing a plain suit, glasses, and his dark green hair with yellow lines combed neatly sitting at his desk staring at one of his two sidekicks. Bubble girl, A very beautiful woman with light blue skin, She had on a visor, and a crop top that showed part of her underboob, and her belly. She at the moment was reading all the incidents that happened in the nearby area. But she was stopped by Nighteye.

'' Bubble Girl, This is getting boring.'' She instantly looked very nervous and became apologetic.'' I-I know Sir, B-But there is alot to get thru.'' She stuttered out but Nighteye was having none of it. He stood up faster than anyone could have guessed, He had Bubble girl, captured in a hand, ankle, and hip restrained on a wall.'' Now say it with some Joy.'' He offered her again But instead, she merely stuttered as she tried talking, But it wasn't funny. So he pressed the button. Out the side came two small robot arms each holding a feather.

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