The start or and of war?

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Shigaraki was left almost alone. Some Nomu were around him. But from the massive army that was brought for them. Only a select few were still breathing.'' I WILL CRUMBLE SOCIETY SO MASTER CAN CREATE A BETTER WORLD.'' Shigaraki screamed as the ground crumbled. Shigaraki was of course still being watched. He was being looked at by the doctor.'' It seems the young lord needs some help. But we don't really have anything to help.'' He said without emotion. '' Master Shigaraki is in need of help. It seems they were prepared.''

The doctor told AFO who was still dealing with All Might and Endeavor.'' THEN HELP HIM. I WILL TRY AND GET TO HIM AFTER THIS.'' AFO screamed annoyed at the fact he was having trouble with these two losers.'' WHO ARE YOU TALKING WITH.'' All Might said as he landed a chop on the back of AFO's knee before getting away. He was fully working on hit-and-run tactics.'' OH, IT'S JUST MY ARMY THAT'S KILLING AND RAPING THOSE IDIOTS AT UA. THEY ARE HAVING SO MUCH FUN.'' AFO screamed with laughter before his breath was stolen as he felt a large stab in his stomach.

Izuku's pupils were black dots as his rage turned to the top. He punched AFO hard in the stomach.'' GO CHECK AT UA NOW. HE IS MINE.'' Izuku was not asking. not even suggesting it. This was a direct order and the two top heroes followed his order as AFO coughed. '' th.'' AFO wanted to speak up but Izuku just punched him on the side of the head. But he was now going full power. The punch had Haki aswell as the Magu Magu active. While AFO had multiple protective quirks active. It still gave him a large burn on the side of his head.

''I am going to fucking kill you,'' Izuku said with anger as AFO started laughing. He was just told the new plan the Doctor had made.'' I will kill you, boy. I killed your grandfather. I will kill your father and your mother. I will kill your daughter and your wives. I will destroy everything you love. I will burn everything you stand for and you can stop me.'' AFO said as the burn on his face started to heal.''  SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH. I WILL KILL YOU''

Izuku's rage was becoming a problem. If AFO had stayed silent. Izuku would have given him more time. So he could figure out what transformation was. But he just had open his mouth. Izuku dashed forward. His hands turned into magma again and started punching. All as AFO was waiting for his plan to start working again.

Back at UA. The doctor had started his plan. Using the portals of Kurogiri. They went and got as many villains from all over the world. All sorts of cults. groups even single villains that hated royalty. Just to get some payback. And right as they showed up. Shanks was worried.'' FUCK FALL BACK. PROTECT THE DORM.'' Shanks noticed they were again outnumbered and now almost surrounded as it seemed thousands of villains were in front of them.'' HELP HAS ARRIVED.'' All Might said as he landed at the dorm. But he wasnt alone. The rest of the help has arrived. dozens of heroes were now coming from behind the dorms.'' AHAHHAHA KILL KILL. '' BOOM'' a villain from America with a large scythe ran for the dorm. But before he made it out of the group. his head was removed from the side. It was Kiana.

Minato was working his ass off. Teleporting from location to location. Picking up heroes Galor aswell as help from the royal family.'' I AM READY TO KICK ASS.'' Rumi screamed filled with rage and anger. Standing right above the dragon form of Ryuko.'' YOUR TIME IS OVER VILLAINS. THE PLAYING FIELD IS EVEN.'' The future is ours.'' Sir Nighteye said from the side of All Might. Mirio standing beside him aswell. If the villains wanted a war. They would get it. Police started showing up aswell. Guns loaded.'' FUCK THE FUTURE. LET'S KILL THE NOW HAHAHAHA.'' A Russian villain screamed as he threw a massive spear that seemed like a clock. 

Sir Nighteye threw one of his weighted stamps to make the spear stop. as it touched the group. it rapidly aged. But it was the start of the war. The pro heroes vs the villains. Mirio phased thru the floor disappearing as All Might rushed forward. And for one the first time in his life. He punched without holding anything back. Those in front instantly died. the rest were flung away by wind pressure. The fighting began. Rumi jumped forward. The first attack was a deadly dropkick right into A Nomu. 

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